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F-35: ‘Not all about numbers’

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It’s when you climb into the cockpit and begin your startup. That’s where it begins. That’s where those often talked about 8 million lines of binary code show what they’re all about. That’s when the integrated systems come online on the large, glass touch-screen. That’s when the cleverness presents itself. No more navigating across the cockpit, reaching for the radios or engine instruments, it’s all right there in front you. The jet comes alive. Yes, Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) pilot Ian ‘Gladys’ Knight is impressed by the Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II. Is everything perfect? No. But they’re working on it.






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The F-35 is surely an impressive plane. Its technological leading. No doubt.

But is it truely the right plane for an Air Force? As my old professor always said: It is not neccessary to get the highest potentials, it is neccessary to get the right potentials!

Of course can build today a spade with inbuild GPS navigation and apps on your smartphone to show you how exact you has digged over your garden, how many times you set your spade into the earth and a calculation program which shows you how many earth you has moved and what was the averadge of earth on the blade of the spade etc pp.

But is this really usefull if you only want to dig your garden?

And so it is with planes. Do you really need all the gimmicks of the F-35 or would it be better do have a simple mudmover like the A-10? No question, that the F-35 is much more advanced and technologicaly superior. But is the F-35 reliable enough to work in mud and dirt? Can it withstand hits by small arms without a scratch and can fly missions by missions if needed? Can this plane protect the troops on ground In AFG as good as the A-10?

A lot of questions.

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