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Question about Mues shimmering fix and etc

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I installed the fx files in 2 of the terrains and still see the shimmering (I think, the cities and trees shimmer at distance). Am I doing something wrong? Also can you guys give me some values to play with for the flightengine.ini? Thanks!



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Shimmering cannot be fully eliminated.

One source that cannot truly be addressed is the "z-fighting". The software can't decide which item clips the other, so it paints over one than the other pops back to the front.

Objects on top of the runway viewed at longer distances always shimmer for instance.

I see cities shimmer because of shadows.


But, there are sources shimmering that can be addressed. Anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing helps with shimmering textures. When I can get away with using "supersampling" instead of "multisampling" for the FSAA method, it makes every game I have look far superior, but it drops the frame rate too much for most of my games, even at a basic x4 FSAA. Fortunately, SF2 is one application where the frame rates tend to stay above 30, even with heavy mods and long range visibility, so if I don't mind dropping from 50-60 fps down to 30-40 fps, I can enjoy minimal shimmering and aliasing while still seeing smooth graphics. For intense dogfighting down in the mud, I still want 60 fps more than pretty screenshots, so I go back to multisampling or adaptative as required to fly and gun more precisely.

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Is this the kind of shimmering issue you are having?  These images are from First Eagles 2 not Strike Fighters 2 but they are the best examples I have of before and after Mue's shimmering fix is in place.


Before shimmering fix.



After shimmering fix.



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Is this the kind of shimmering issue you are having?  These images are from First Eagles 2 not Strike Fighters 2 but they are the best examples I have of before and after Mue's shimmering fix is in place.


I have never seen that (before pic) ever. Is it caused by effects mods?



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Is this the kind of shimmering issue you are having?  These images are from First Eagles 2 not Strike Fighters 2 but they are the best examples I have of before and after Mue's shimmering fix is in place.


Before shimmering fix.



After shimmering fix.




Its more like what you see in a hot summer day on a road, like that. Maybe thats normal I don't know



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