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Tesla Model 3 nearly here

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Don't worry BMW are already trying to catch up Tesla regarding Electric cars so there will be one of those just for you........you can put a speaker on the outside so it goes brrruumm brumm and makes you stay in your 1970s comfort zone.


I dont worry about BMW. I had the chance to drive one BMW i3 for a day. This car is produced not very far from my home. 20 km or so.

I agree with all, that the driving of a electric engined car is nice. Its silent. The acceleration is outstanding etc. etc.

But the range is to short. The time of reloading is to long.

And not only with BMW. The newest Tesla ads speek of a range of 345 km with one fully loaded battery. That means your action radius is around 150 km from your home. This is to short. And in cold weather the range is even shorter, because a battery is working worse close 0° Celsius than at 30° Celsius. The capacity is down to 50 or 60%. Its pure physics. Then you need electrical energy to heat the car, you need light and there are other electrical consumers like bord computer, navi, radio etc etc. This reduce the range even more.


And with the speaker you mentioned, i think it is a good idea. Not because i love the sound of an powerfull engine, not as 70th comfort zone you call it, but as safety feature for other road users.

The noise of the car is a warning for pedestrians or guys who go by bycicle, or animals. E-cars are dangerouse, because they are to silent. Its a big problem. Not if they drive fast. At 80 km/h and more the sound of the tires is significant and enough for warning, but not below that speed. And in towns (we have here a 50 km/h speed limit) they are so silent, that there is no, or a very little acustical warning for other road users.

Make a selftest. If you are not aware, that a e-car is coming, it can end very very bad. One false, careless step and you ends as a hood ornament.

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But the range is to short. The time of reloading is to long.

And not only with BMW. The newest Tesla ads speek of a range of 345 km with one fully loaded battery. That means your action radius is around 150 km from your home. This is to short. And in cold weather the range is even shorter, because a battery is working worse close 0° Celsius than at 30° Celsius. The capacity is down to 50 or 60%. Its pure physics. Then you need electrical energy to heat the car, you need light and there are other electrical consumers like bord computer, navi, radio etc etc. This reduce the range even more.



In my case I would need to charge it once a week so that range is actually amazing   :beach:


In a few years the range might not even be an issue for most..............Luddites will be wondering why they have to spend so much money filling up their short range petrol/diesel cars  :biggrin:

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A two days old Tesla S after supercharging in Norway on January 3rd 2016.


Have fun with Tesla! Enjoy it! :blowup:

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That's what most upper-class cars look like in Berlin anyway...  :beach:

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I gather your superior cars are fire proof............oh











Edited by MigBuster
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That's what most upper-class cars look like in Berlin anyway...  :beach:


Yep, but because someone though a molotow cocktail on it or made a fire under it.

No normal car burns out because of loading the batteries.

Its not the first time, that Tesla cars lit up. Two or 3 years ago they had a fire series with 3 buring cars in one week. Not because someone had messed up something while tuning the car, but because the cars had production failures. Lithium Ione batteries are strong, but potential fire dangerous. Boing had the same problem with the Dreamliner batteries.



I gather your superior cars are fire proof............oh


Show me the conventional car that burned out two days after delivery! Show me a new built car that burned out caused by technical failures only two days after handing over to the new owner!

Not pictures of old cars, not pictures of cars which were victims by arson.





Do you know the latest Tesla commercial?




I like it!!

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Show me the conventional car that burned out two days after delivery! Show me a new built car that burned out caused by technical failures only two days after handing over to the new owner!

Not pictures of old cars, not pictures of cars which were victims by arson.


Yes because that never happened anywhere before to any car except Tesla.


Also, you have your time scale wrong. We need to look at Model Ts and Model As and such from about 100 years ago, when internal combustion engine cars were as well developed as electric cars are now. I mean, airplanes are worthless, just look at the Wright Flyer! No payload, no range, horrible safety record! No future there.


I could travel to 2100 and get you the stats for Teslas and other electric cars then, which would actually be a worthwhile comparison.

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Do you know the latest Tesla commercial?


I like it!!


I would like to think the child like non arguments you have spammed this thread with are more trolling rather than you having a vested interest in certain car manufacturers or the oil industry........guess you didn't understand my earlier post.

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You guys should take yourselves less seriously and order a Flintstones Car - no danger of spontaneous combustion whatsoever.

Maybe frostbite on the hels of your feet, when it's cold...


Technological progress suxx0rs, all hail caveman!

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A two days old Tesla S after supercharging in Norway on January 3rd 2016.


Have fun with Tesla! Enjoy it! :blowup:

Strawman much ?





And since you quote Top Gear as reliable source.  Here's a fun article


Richard Hammond was advised to NOT drive his 100,000 pound Porsche.  




So what's your point, the point is that you just dislike electric cars and have a stick up your ass and think fuel cells cars are the future without actually having spoken to any credible source in the automotive sector about just how unfeasible fuel cell cars are due to the massive amounts of energy required to produce it.


You've gone beyond embarrassing yourself to just sounding like a philistine, it would be in your interest to stop with the pseudo "facts".



 all hail caveman!

You Troglodyte ! :biggrin:  :biggrin:

Edited by Atreides

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