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Hey guys!  I had a question on some terrains there is like a Gap between the edge of the horizon and the ground.  I use sarcasm 2 so sometimes its a very obvious band of really light blue between the land and sky... I believe I came across a fix for this but for the life of me I cannot find it... anyone have any ideas? 

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This sounds like it could be a couple of different issues I have run across. Would you please snap a screenshot of the issue? Depending upon what is going on their are different fixes.

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Doesn't sound like Spudknocker has this problem, but I was hoping his thread might draw some expert advice on solving the jagged end of the map I have experienced on 3 different computers & OS's using Nvidia cards over the last 6 years.  Settings are at unlimited.   This is from FE2 but I also have the problem in SF2 (where I've incorporated Mue's tweaks).  I've messed around in various ini files in areas I think might have an impact, but which have resulted in no effect or program crashes during loading.  Appreciate any advice.   Thanks!  Nick



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Nick, do you have Mue's Distance Fix set up correctly? See the post linked below for some setup details as certain settings in two different files need to be be set in a specific way to avoid interference with each other.




Spudknocker, if you don't have Mue's Distance Fix then follow the link as well. Download the attached file and use the version included for SARCASM 2.0 then let me know if it fixes your issue. 

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This is the gap I mean, the area between the ground and the sky at the horizon thats bright blue, I have tried his distance fix however I must have done it wrong cause it just made my install CTD every time

heres a pic


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Try this, backup your Flight folder, then place the one in the attachment into your install, put the files in the included Terrain folder into each of the terrains in your install, set ObjectsFade=FALSE in your Options.ini, and then run a mission and tell me if it fixes the issue.


Test Folders.7z


This is what I have with those settings.



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Okay, now that we know it works, swap the ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM and FLIGHTENGINE ini file for these two and see if your frame rate goes up and the issue stays fixed.



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ok cool 

Its still fixed but its still a bit of a bump down in frame rate its down to 45 from 60 before 

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Okay, try adjusting the following settings in your FLIGHTENGINE.INI down until you get a frame rate you are happy with.



FarClipDistance=69000.0 <---------
HorizonDistance=30000.0 <---------
HorizonDistance=42000.0 <---------
HorizonDistance=50000.0 <---------
HorizonDistance=62000.0 <---------

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Nick, do you have Mue's Distance Fix set up correctly? See the post linked below for some setup details as certain settings in two different files need to be be set in a specific way to avoid interference with each other.




Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, KJakker.  After an hour of messing around I found out that key thing I had not done is setting the HorizonDistance to be less than FarClipDistance.  Setting both far enough out eliminates the jagged edge, but with a cost in frame rates.  Quite impressive looking at 79000/80000 but fps dropped below 20.  I've settled with 39000/40000.  I can still see a bit of edge in the corners when the FOV is wide, but I can live with that an still maintain 60 FPS.

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