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New to FE2

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As a devoted CFS3 fan i never strayed too far from all the expansions(have 10 separate installs). Will soon be getting WOFF when the new version comes out soon and just getting back into Il-2 '46. How does FE2 compare to WOFF ? I see there many aircraft and mods available for FE2. How is the game play and realism? The price is right but i just don't know enough about it.Is it a lite version of WOFF or RoF ? Have a good computer so it should handle it with ease. I get excellent fps with all my other combat flight sims. Planing to get the whole SF2 series also. So many cfs's out there and so little time!!  Regards,Scott

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I will let other guys comment on gameplay, campaigns, etc.  My perspective is that of a modder who has worked as a professional 3D model and skin maker. 


FE/FE2 are variants of the SF/SF2 system that was first released in the early 'oughts, roughly the same period as CFS3.  Both systems had, and still have, strong points and weak points.  They both suffered from a lack of development - lots of hard work is required to realize the sims' potential. 


To over-simplify a bit, SF/FE got better devlopment initially but hit a plateau when the developer changed his marketing focus to mobile devices.  Third Wire has ignored FE/FE2 since 2010, so what development has occurred since then has been due to modder efforts.


Meanwhile, the OFF/WOFF guys slowly developed and improved their mod, initially using the CFS3 system.  Over time, they have made so many improvements that WOFF2 now only uses a modest amount of CFS3 code, and only realized the sim's visual potential in the last few years.


What's the bottom line?  FE/FE2 is more accessible and easier to mod than CFS3 - that's why there are more aircraft, theater maps, ground objects, campaigns, etc.  However, the general level of graphics and immersion for FE/FE2 suffers from lack of development and is now a bit outdated.  Simply put, more time and talent has been devoted to WOFF over the years and it shows.

Edited by Geezer

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As a devoted CFS3 fan i never strayed too far from all the expansions(have 10 separate installs). Will soon be getting WOFF when the new version comes out soon and just getting back into Il-2 '46. How does FE2 compare to WOFF ? I see there many aircraft and mods available for FE2. How is the game play and realism? The price is right but i just don't know enough about it.Is it a lite version of WOFF or RoF ? Have a good computer so it should handle it with ease. I get excellent fps with all my other combat flight sims. Planing to get the whole SF2 series also. So many cfs's out there and so little time!!  Regards,Scott


Hello friend, considering that you are a CFS3 fan, you'd probably feel most at home in WOFF since it is based on CFS3 code. I usually categorize the WWI sims as follows:


ROF - if you're into multiplayer


WOFF - if you enjoyed CFS3 and enjoy heavily immersive campaigns


FE2 - if you like to customize and mod your flight sim heavily and enjoy single missions as much as campaign mode (I like the flexibility of FE2, realism is fine on top settings, and with the many mods that have come out, and the flight model tweaks too, it's no longer a "lite" sim but comes closer to simulator territory)


Also think about the price points before purchasing: WOFF I think has several expansion packs that should be purchased to fully expand the game (haven't checked into how much it all costs) - ROF is free but gives you only a couple of planes for multiplayer, then you purchase planes separately (again check the prices of planes since they vary) - FE2 is about 20 bucks, a one-time purchase, and then you can add mods freely by visiting the CombatAce site.


Happy flying,

Von S

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Sixstrings, we "spoke" over on SAS about IL-2 1946. I couldn't add much to what Geezer and VonS have said, except to say that it's a very enjoyable game when modded up, works very well with any joysticks I've ever used, works well with TrackIR and the AI is quite decent, so will give you a run for your money.

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