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Person of Interest returns

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Season 5 aired today and i'm not disappointed at all. The show tackles subjects of computers, massive surveillance, artificial intelligence, bit of hard social sci-fi (especially season 3+, but for a tv show that is, and some of it for me is a believable reality) and drama/action and ticks good boxes for me.

For a while I thought for sure it was gonna be cancelled. It seems good sci-fi never lasts long... like Firefly. Just glad to see it gets to be completed and audience can have a solid story, especially since season 4 the good guys have been constantly on the run and get beaten down until hanging on by a thread by the end. Good to see a comeback both for the show and story!


bit of spoiler for first episode season 5: the "machine" was compressed into a single suitcase of RAM chips and they built a super computer consisting of 300 playstations where the machine decompresses into. The rag-tag super puter overheats and is about to fry, when Reese grabs a bottle of liquid nitrogen and cools down the whole thing.

for a somewhat computer nerd I thought 'twas was very awesome!

Edited by Do335
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Thanks for the heads up, I will have the check my DVR.

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This is the last seaon, and only 6-7episodes at that. At least they will wrap the story up, rather than letting it hang like CBS did with Jericho.

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oh, for me, 2 or 3 seasons is the sweet spot, finish the story arc and be done, gets a solid finale and it's great. Longer than that it gets soapy. PoI is already a bit long but the 2 story lines are quite distinct.

I think it's like 13 eps with some 2 eps per week schedule so it's tighter than usual.

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Turns out a colleague also watches it. I alwasy think the show has a bit dark/black undertone but apparently according to her, Finch is called "house master", and his machine "machine kiddie".


names seem fit :blink:

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