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FINALLY. Got DCS after all these years.

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So for a while I couldn't play any really high end simulators with my old system. As I live out in the freaking sticks with ole AT&T being my internet provider ... let's say it took about 11 hours for DCS world to download. Which isn't bad because it took me Two Days to Download the patch for Fallout 4.


Yeah it sucks living where I live .. when it comes to technology. I get some awesome Wild Discovery action though (er for all you yung uns out there  that's a really old show where you'd see animals eat other animals) seriously I looked out my window and saw a Red Tailed Hawk swoop just a few away from it and snag some kind of small rodent. Very exciting. A coyote was in back yard one day after it rained really hard. Pretty animal scary as hell that it came that far into city limits. But still very pretty.


I digress.


I get DCS world and happily installed my copy (thanks to a competition here on CombatACE) of Flaming Cliffs 3.


Yep. I was really happy to be in an A-10. Trying things out. Flying around.




I broke the cardinal rule of not reading the manual or doing the training missions.


Picture a pot belly feller about 30 years of age walking towards one the most deadly ground support aircraft. The sun is rising behind him as his eyes sparkle at the beauty before him.  He's handed a manual. He takes a look at it. "Nah I did this before" he says and tosses the very large manual over his shoulder. It plops on the ramp behind him. Another person approaches him. This person is well fit and wearing the typical aviator glasses. "Here I'll give you some free lessons." The pot belly feller shakes his head "Nah I got this."



The battle is set. Friendly forces are being penned down by a major enemy force.


Pot belly one grins to himself as he pictures the hell he's about to unless upon the enemy.


That's when it hits him.


This ain't SF2.


Yeah, yeah there sure a lot of buttons here to push ... um let's try this one ... nope


how bout this one?




Oh this one?


Windshield whippers activate...


You know what? Screw all these bombs and stuff I'll shoot these punks.



Some of the enemy forces were critically wounded from laughter.



The rest was classified.



I mean that's standard when someone gets shot down in 40 seconds ... right?

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Yes even the FC3 aircraft can be a bit of a step up with the extra bits....and the default Air defense is lethal......but great to see you trying it out.

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After playing CFS3 and all its expansions and Il-2 '46 (heavily modded).I wanted to branch out. So i dusted off Lock On and with the latest patch started to enjoy the modern jets. Now that i've gotten the bug , i want Flaming Cliffs 3 and the whole Strike Fighter series. Falcon 4.0 BMS is another must have according to all the research i've done. Now to memorize  all those key strokes !!

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In DCS the AI knows where everything is relative to everything else. There are just parameters and limits to how the AI can act on that information.


Now if I could just get my X65F working again, I would hop in and fly around some. But until I figure out what is wrong, I'm stuck watching from the sidelines.


Hopefully I will get things working before the F-5E is released :blink:

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