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F-35 missile bay doors and bomb bay doors

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Since having seen the F-35 in action at the KLu Open Days I've been flying it more often, but there is a bug in opening the missile bay doors and bomb bay doors (for instance doors opening/ closing on throtlle movements.....!!). Does anyone know the right animation numbers and/or "true/false" automatic doors things in the data ini i.e. should I probably copy the numbers from the SF2 model?

In the same data ini by the way, the empty weight is way too low, should be around 13.200 kg and the engine thrust numbers should be 125.000 / 190.000 kN  dry/ AB respectively





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The F-35A empty weight was last seen around 29,000 lbs in the last DOTE report so that's about right, but the B and C are significantly heavier.


For thrust (going from TKs conversion figures) I take it you used the P&W figures inc 43,000 lbs for Max AB which is SL static thrust uninstalled. (quoted from a P&W employee)


Lockheed however give the Max thrust at 40,000 lbs (for the A & C) which is installed static SL thrust apparently and if that is the case seems the more typical measure.


The bug in the bay doors was probably realistic when these were done  :biggrin:

Edited by MigBuster
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That won't answer the question about the weapons bay doors, but here's some edited files just in case you would like to try them.

They're drafts more than anything else, but I think the MinMaxExtent entries could be re-use on the original file (and maybe the mass fraction too)


If you try them, be sure to back up the original files, and use both files because I changed the CG location and it moves the cockpit position.


[files updated, see next post]



Edited by Cliff7600
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Same files than my previous post, but with better flaps/slats settings


(removed cause I did a better one since)


and a missing tga for the 524 skin



Edited by Cliff7600
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Hi Cliff, thx a lot for your edited files. Doors are ok now, but the flight model doesn't enable much more than 5 G's or so, giving the F-35 F-104-like turning capabilities and making it extremely sluggish in pitch....... Tried to put in the original wing/ outer wing/stab figures, that restored the original flying performance but f.cked up the doors again. Is there any possibility of combining your doors remedy with the original flight model? Saw the F-35 performing with quite a lot of agility at our KLu Open Days, pulling a lot of g's.......  :blum:

Edited by Derk

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Hi Derk

You're welcome ;^)


Well, you're right about the lack of response in pitch, it's not good enough as it is now. Should be able to take 7G according to the public figure (so maybe more in real life)


In fact, I tried to give the model a better "ini structure" and the doors remedy should be something there. There's no part that fixes the problem.

I didn't have the door opening issue with the original file with the A version, and I still have it with the B version.

For the B I think it's an animation issue and cannot be fixed only by ini editing. I have various issues with the animation 4, the thrust vector movement.


Funny thing is the actual F-35s suffer weapon bay overheating issue, and the fix applied is to open them in flight to cool them down...


About the FM behaviour I have to finish what I began : steadiness in leveled flight and turns and during landing (with the AI performing the landing right)

Then I think I will search for more agility. I think it's doable.


Yeah, I saw the video you posted about the Klu F-35 ;^)

Edited by Cliff7600
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In order to re-activate a very simple side-project (putting things done by others together + tuning the FM and few things)


What should be the loadout.ini file for a KLU F-35, with some 1st generation friendly ordance ?




Same question for a RAF F-35B, or a FAA F-35B.


The skins come from the "F-35AB international skin pack".

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