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Battle of the Titans

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A what-if scenario in Atlantic Fleet.  HMS Lion vs the H-39-class BB, Hutten.   Who will prevail?


HMS Lion.jpg


H-39 Hutten.jpg





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Tried it. So far, Lion always wins. :bb:


I tried the 50-mission campaign where the missions progressively become more difficult. I finished by taking the Lion and sister ship Temeriere plus carrier Indomitable up against Hutten, sister ship Berlichingen, Bismark, Tirpitz, and two destroyers.


All German ships sunk. Lion and Temeriere received medium damage.

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The Lion is King.!!!



The game is player-centric, in that the player usually beats the AI.  For example, I sank Scharnhorst using the Queen Elizabeth several times, and suffered zero damage during the encounter! Yet, when the roles were reversed, I usually sank the QE using the Scharnhorst.  It'd be cool if the developers offered an upgraded version of the game, with additional ships. Such as the South Dakota-class BBs*, the older US BBs (such as the USS Texas and Neveda) that took part in convoy escort and shore bombardments, and of course, HMS Vanguard.


Vanguard had better protection and fire control than the KG Vs (and since the Lion-class BBs were essentially stretched KG Vs, we must include them in this discussion). If only Vanguard had been completed in 1943 as originally planned...


*As a side note, even the then brand-new USS Iowa was staged to Argentia, Newfoundland at one point during the war, to counter against the Tirpitz breaking out into the Atlantic shipping lanes.

Edited by Fubar512

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But still, all in all, this is an OUTSTANDING game, and a bargin at the 10 USD price.


My most sincere compliments to the whole Killerfish team!! I'm enjoying the hell out of it!!


Now....any thoughts for something in the Pacific????

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And remember Boyz n Girlz, aiming for the turrets, and applying a bit of TLAR judiciously to the elevation settings, should result in your opponent ending up with "Limp Gun Syndrome"  :grin:







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The game is player-centric, in that the player usually beats the AI.  For example, I sank Scharnhorst using the Queen Elizabeth several times, and suffered zero damage during the encounter! Yet, when the roles were reversed, I usually sank the QE using the Scharnhorst.  It'd be cool if the developers offered an upgraded version of the game, with additional ships. Such as the South Dakota-class BBs*, the older US BBs (such as the USS Texas and Neveda) that took part in convoy escort and shore bombardments, and of course, HMS Vanguard.


Vanguard had better protection and fire control than the KG Vs (and since the Lion-class BBs were essentially stretched KG Vs, we must include them in this discussion). If only Vanguard had been completed in 1943 as originally planned...


*As a side note, even the then brand-new USS Iowa was staged to Argentia, Newfoundland at one point during the war, to counter against the Tirpitz breaking out into the Atlantic shipping lanes.



Have you tried it with the 'Elite AI gunnery' option? I don't dare - I don't much mind winning! I do have wind effects (don't affect AI) enabled...and now also 'duds', which I hope does affect the AI, so it takes a little of the edge of the 'super-torps' (tho shells can also be duds)..


As for future development, Killerfish, on the AF Steam forum on 12 August, posted:


"As for Atlantic Fleet, we're not quite done with it yet. If sales remain steady and we continue to bring in some funds with the seasonal Steam sales, the goal would be to dedicate a month or two of development in order to do the following sometime before the end of the year:

- fix the turn cycle bug with merchants

- add some very basic modding to tweak some game parameters (air cover, submarine start distances etc)

- maybe add a few more ship classes

- add Pacific Fleet (direct mobile port) as a stand alone DLC

- add Steam Trading Cards "


Somehow I could live without the 'trading cards' but the rest sounds good, if it comes to pass.

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I believe Pacific Fleet was Killerfish's first product. It's still only available for mobile devices. The reviews for Pacific Fleet weren't quite as glowing. Apparently Atlantic Fleet received the benefit of a far more matured development. Maybe they can re-release it with the benefit of code from Atlantic Fleet. I have almost no complaints at all with AF, and now I'm quite addicted. Just like with the Thirdwire games, my wife just smiles and shakes her head. 

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The graphics look okay, bit like Silent Hunter perhaps with a little more detail though. Might be worth giving it a go !!! 

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It's absolutely worth it. I'm totally addicted and loving every minute of it.

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The graphics look okay, bit like Silent Hunter perhaps with a little more detail though. Might be worth giving it a go !!! 

For $9.99 US, it is an absolute bargain.

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Is this game available on a physical PC\DVD disc or is it a download only game.???

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I prefer the good old days of physical media, a decent-sized box containing a full manual, a keyboard chart and maybe a printed map. But I would never let that prevent me having a game that I could only get by download, from Steam for example.You can close Steam before running the game, though I leave it running as I like it's F12 screenshot saver option.


Anyone with any interest at all in WW2 naval combat should have Atlantic Fleet, and even if you haven't got such an interest, you may develop one, playing.







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