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Target Object Animation transfer to GroundObject

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Hey there Modders,


Let's say I have a target object defined in the _Types.ini with an animation slot such as ID1.  For example, a simple rotating light that goes around in a circle from a lighthouse.  Can you, or how can you, transfer that animation effect to turn it into a GroundObject target that still preserves that animation effect? 

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the animation has to be built into the object in MAX, then it's simply stated "as such" (ala the lighthouses) in the types ini. Then, all bits placed into the terrain folder (lod, ini, light tga, etc)*

It should rotate automatically. At least, that's how the lighthouses work for me 



* if you speaking of a rotary beacon, like you'd see at an airport, it would need to be built as such, with the rotation plane set in MAX

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Hi Wrench, correct - that works for a targetobject placed in the terrain.  For example:  ...\Terrains\[TerrainName]\Lighthouse  


But how can the same object, with the same animation effects, work as a GroundObject here:  ......\Objects\GroundObject\Lighthouse 

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meaning, something like a SAM or EWR radar??


It that case, you'd make a "direct call" in both the targets and types inis. List the object in the types ini (as below)


FullName=HAWK Continious Wave Radar
and then add it directly to the targets ini. Say, for example it IS a rotary beacon, somethi9ng like this:
Name=Offutt AFB
(replaces the ASR on this particular set up)
Personally, I'd still do it like a terrain object. Say for example the ASR that's on damn near every runway. Long time ago, I built a data ini for it, so it would actually function as a working radar. Added the necessary lines to the ASR.ini, and tossed the data ini inside the terrain folder. It shows up on the RWR (3 ring and Vector, probably TEWS as well). And it's data linked network is "AAA" so it can "feed" data to radar controlled guns.
In truth, I see no advantages of creating and using what are terrain objects as GroundObjects. Sometimes they wind up doing strange things.... Like a squadron of Firecan's appearing in CAS missions -- and yes, it most certainly happens!!!

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Wrench, thanks again for your reply, appreciated.  Well honestly I picked a bad example, and should have been more clear.  Here really is where I'm hitting a brickwall:   I need it as a groundobject because it has to move (using the _data.ini) and I want to include in a mission.  So it's a firetruck as a more appropriate example.  That truck needs to move around and go places.  But if I use it as a groundobject, - from my understanding - the animation within the model will not work.  And you can see now the brickwall. :stars:  I can't seem to do both.  If I use as groundobject then I lose the animation effect.  If I place as terrain object I can't get it to move.  If I try to do both, I have a moving firetruck that was in such a hurry, it ripped off it's emergency light and left it hovering in space...

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right, that's because the light is not attached to the physical model (the lod). That can only be done in MAX. An example would be one of Pasko's old mods, of a Russian truck (can't remember which Zil exactly), that has working headlights. They were built in MAX with a self-illuminating function.


which takes us back to the original, of "they have to be built that way".

So, you'd need a completely NEW object, built with the rotating light on top


don't forget, too, that as a GroundObjects any truck set in it's data ini as "TRANSPORT" will show up randomly in Armed_Recon missions as well. 



*** edit -- Pasko's is the Zil157Troops -- headlights work, and there's a bunch of infantry sitting in the back ***

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Hi Wrench, thanks for hanging in there with me on this.  I think the example you illustrated with the truck while interesting, wouldn't apply in my case.  I'm familiar with self-illumination effects and modeling actually.  The difference Wrench, is that those headlights are static - there are no animation effects at all.  It's simply a mesh cone mapped with a transparent texture that is permanently attached to the model, but does NOT have any animation key frames/effects applied (at least none that I'm aware of).  I'm kind of surprised other modelers haven't chimed in - surely someone with much more experience than me on this would be able to provide a simple answer as there is no way I can be the only person that ran into this, so we'll see what other feedback might be shared. 

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I take it that you are looking for headlights of moving vehicles at night,,, to make you feel better for the sake of realism ,, in a war zone doctrine would dictate vehicles be blacked out ...oooh it just came to me,,, check in the aircraft stuff the landing lights would be something to look at to see how that is modeled,, it's coming back to me I was doing night traps and the ai had landing lights on and it look exactly what you are asking for.

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yubba, that only works on aircraft, as they have coding for landing lights in one of the dlls, and said lights are linked to an animation, to wit: gear retraction/extension.



I'm surprised as well, swam, that some of our 3d gurus haven't popped in. 

But still, the basic point is you cannot add anything to a model (lod) once it's been exported. This goes for aircraft as well, even though we've got the 'fake pilot' workaround.

Since the game is aircraft centric, one can add addtional lights to the aircraft via the data ini (as I've done hundreds of times) and even to airfields. But ground objects are a completely different thing. You can't remove or hide meshes, you can't add things as the engine simply wont let you.


bottom line is you'll need someone to build a new fire truck with the warning strobes built in and rotation animated.

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