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Yankin' and Bankin' Over China

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I like that pilot with the scowl on his face - can you make us a couple quick versions for earlier FE2 (no radio headsets or flak jackets) scenarios?  In any event, all this stuff looks great, Geezer!  Did you ever get any further with the Thompson mobile aircraft fueler or the Model T with the Hucks starter?  

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I like that pilot with the scowl on his face - can you make us a couple quick versions for earlier FE2 (no radio headsets or flak jackets) scenarios?  In any event, all this stuff looks great, Geezer!  Did you ever get any further with the Thompson mobile aircraft fueler or the Model T with the Hucks starter?  


Yeah, I could probably work in a WW1 version of the "evil" pilot.  I have a Japanese version of the Hucks starter on a Japanese army Isuzu chassis that was released several years ago: http://combatace.com/files/file/14771-1930s-ground-and-terrain-objects/


My current focus on 1937 Shanghai-Nanjing is driving my model activity right now, and - aircraft-wise - it was a Japanese navy show.  Japanese army aviation operated further north.  Not saying "no," just saying "maybe later."  :biggrin:

Mapping progress shot below.  Still have to map two more Japanese fighters: Nakajima A2N and Mitsubishi A5M.




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Making good progress on the Boeing 281, the export version of the P-26 used by the Chinese Air Force.







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Took a break from mapping, and resumed work on a series of 1930s pilots.  Shots below show test drive of Luftwaffe pilot with oxy mask - there will also be one without oxy mask.









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I like the rivetes... :good:


I don't take credit for the Bf109B - guess I should have made that clearer.  It is an outstanding model by Monty CZ, found in the SF downloads.

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Ok! I didn't know this Bf 109B mod! :hi:

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