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Slant range bombing

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If you go into the weapons editor and open up the GBU-10, the seeker range converts to 5.59 miles.

Is this the slant range, or the ground range?

And in the cockpit target distance readout, is this slant range or ground range?


If the seeker is a slant range figure, and the cockpit reads slant range, then you would pickle at just after 5.59 miles from target at 10,000ft.

However, if the seeker is slant range 5.59, and the cockpit reads ground range, you should pickle at just after 5.26 miles

At 20,000, it would be 4.12


If seeker range is tied to cockpit range readout, then in theory, whatever your altitude, you pickle at 5.59.

I just wondered how sophisticated the modelling of weapon delivery was.


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i always assumed that it is the Slant-Range , about the GBU-10 it should have a SeekerRange from above 8 NM i made all my GBU-10 with a SeekerRange=15000.000000 what is about 8,099 NM


try this  GBU-10.rar  they are the ones i released with the Weaponspack 2 and my F-4E´s

please delete any weapon with the same or similar name befor instaling this one

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please delete any weapon with the same or similar name befor instaling this one


I would suggest to do so only if you're an SF2 user (best GBU-10 models for sure !)

or only if you're sure to be able to do the 1st generation conversion (I failed at it)


Then, if you're a SF1 only user, I would suggest to back up your original files, or be sure to know how to re-install your old GBU-10 just in case it wouldn't work.

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 Here is your free fall tables for. 555knts and mach 0.84   nautical miles are modeled in to the radar of your plane statued miles are displayed in your target information box ,and the higher you go the thinner the air so your air speed indicater will not show true speed, you confused yet..Level qued bombing release points are below,use statued miles, watch the range count down to release in the red target information box  for best results have a radar altimeter ,, if you got your radar edited you can use the nautical miles tables below,, they are close so you might have to adjust on both but I'm happy with what I got ,,,Enjoy..



1000ft =8sec=1.42 statued miles = 1.23nm


5000ft=17sec=3.02 statued miles = 2.62nm


10,000ft=24sec=4.26 statued miles= 3.7nm


20,000ft=35sec=6.2 statued miles = 5.4 nautical miles

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