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A-6C TRIM Intruder

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Few aircraft have captured my imagination like the Grumman A-6 Intruder, and the aircraft’s history is sprinkled with awesome obscurities, thrust vectoring nozzles being one of them. Over the decades, the type was adapted into a tanker (KA-6D), and suppression of enemy air defenses aircraft (A-6B), and, most famously, into the an outstanding electronic warfare platform (EA-6A and EA-6B), the latter of which still serves the USMC today. But lots of other sub-variants were built, and maybe the most intriguing is the A-6C.





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The A-6C was an enormously important aircraft because it was the very beginning of what nowdays has become an essential part of every modern fighter plane.

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I knew that missing spark would get me in trouble :biggrin:

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