Images, manual, documentation of cockpit Mirage variants
denissoliveira, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - General Discussion
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By ludo.m54
View File Mirage F1CE(M)
Mirage F1CE(M)
The F1M upgrade was applied to 48 Spanish F1CE/EE. The prototype F1M flew in April 1998, and CASA delivered the remainder between March 1999 and 15 March 2001. The project included a revised cockpit with colour LCDs and a Smart HUD from Sextant Avionique, a Sextant inertial navigation system with GPS interface; NATO-compatible Have Quick 2 secure communications; Mode 4 digital IFF; a defensive aids suite; and flight recorders. The radar was upgraded to Cyrano IVM standard, adding sea search and air to ground ranging modes.
F1CE(M) Specifics:
Same as F1CE_late plus:
Major Cockpit redesign: new HUD Left MFD for radar display, weapon and other configuration pages UFCP Up Front Control Panel AN/ALR-300 RWR miscellaneous others re-layouts and additions GPS antenna for improved Inertial Navigation System double wingtips lights IFF antenna 2 additional SideWinders on P2 outerwings stations. This was most likely experimental and operational use is not confirmed. Added for SF2 fun and gameplay ! Covered units :
Ala 14.
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
The Mirage F-1 Team.
Submitter ludo.m54 Submitted 02/04/2025 Category Mirage F1
By ludo.m54
Mirage F1CE(M)
The F1M upgrade was applied to 48 Spanish F1CE/EE. The prototype F1M flew in April 1998, and CASA delivered the remainder between March 1999 and 15 March 2001. The project included a revised cockpit with colour LCDs and a Smart HUD from Sextant Avionique, a Sextant inertial navigation system with GPS interface; NATO-compatible Have Quick 2 secure communications; Mode 4 digital IFF; a defensive aids suite; and flight recorders. The radar was upgraded to Cyrano IVM standard, adding sea search and air to ground ranging modes.
F1CE(M) Specifics:
Same as F1CE_late plus:
Major Cockpit redesign: new HUD Left MFD for radar display, weapon and other configuration pages UFCP Up Front Control Panel AN/ALR-300 RWR miscellaneous others re-layouts and additions GPS antenna for improved Inertial Navigation System double wingtips lights IFF antenna 2 additional SideWinders on P2 outerwings stations. This was most likely experimental and operational use is not confirmed. Added for SF2 fun and gameplay ! Covered units :
Ala 14.
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
The Mirage F-1 Team.
By Eagle114th
Hello everyone,
I am re-creating the posts after hte ideas came up about the name of proejcts and what it is about. This project is to be known as SF2 Avionics Community Pack (SF2:ACP for short), because the purpose of this projects is to create the assets for anyone to usse for our mods, as well for customizing our SF2 installation. You will need to put them into aircraft folder and customize the .ini files, in order, for them to appear in-game.
This is what I find so enjoayble and I noticed that not many simulation does this. This s project aims to bring the realistic, immersive expereicnes in cockpits with actual textures for radar scope, RWR, HUD, and any avionics that is currently moddable in SF2 and aircraft mods.
I will exlpain the limitation of SF2 engine, so we can get better pictures of what we can and can't do for now. I said "for now, is becauuse I have the hope htat someday, somehow, someone manage to make it possible to make avioincs further moddable in SF2.
1) Texture issues: What can be done is chan ging radar scope texture. But the problem is that, the radar symbols / lines colors can not be changed. We are stuck with default green SF2 radar symbosl /lines / circles. And eve with new textures, the radar lines / symbols/ shapes will be applied on top of it. So it mean, if you have 'black line' on top of radar scope like A-4s as an exampe, the radar still overlap it.
Another issues is that, most of SF2 default aircraft does not have texture-able radar scope for 'turned off' radar, so it seem strange how CRT (texture) would suddenly show up when turnig radar on. I wished that the radar scope woudl be texture-able, so that it seem taht only radar lines / symbols / shapes would appear, therefore preserving the immersive experiences.
2) Lighting, after attempting to use the actual colors of radar scope based on the pictures, as an example, they usually show upup too bright comnpared ot another instructments / avionics in cockpit. So they need to be darken, in order to blend naturall in cockpits. And another issue is radar colors of green, it need to be readable, therefore further darken the texture. So they might will appear darker compared to the photo. (I am currenlty wokring on this part on both F-89s and A-4s radar scope and RWR new textures).
3) Avionics DLLs, there are only two DLLs I believe, that we can use either one of Avionics DLL for early and modern aircraft. But I still have the hope. The reason why I have hope is because, I am part of the community that is modding Jane's series simulation. That simulation is almost 30 years old and people still mods it. It amazes me, therefore gives me hopes.
Besides the lmitation, it does not stop us from wanting to create the mods that would improve the experiences in avioincs. What inspired me to do this, I was customizing SF2 installation for early cold war era (My favorite era), in Asia, midddle east, and other theatre, along with later cold war era, I noticed that there is always room of growth and improvement for cockpits. That is when I came up the awy to improve F-89 series radar scope, as you can see it in another theatre abou Stary's F-89 cockpits. Then here it is, SF2: Avionics Community Pack!
What would be great help if we can share the pictures and information on the avioinics for various planes, so we can get busy with the avioniocs improvement.
If anyoneo have the requests for radar scope, or any avioinics improvement, it would be great help if the resources can be provided too.
The next posts will cover what I am doing with both F-89s and A-4s gunsights, radar scope, and rwr, along with F-89's radar scope.
By ludo.m54
View File Mirage F1EE(M)
Mirage F1EE(M)
The F1M upgrade was applied to 48 Spanish F1CE/EE. The prototype F1M flew in April 1998, and CASA delivered the remainder between March 1999 and 15 March 2001. The project included a revised cockpit with colour LCDs and a Smart HUD from Sextant Avionique, a Sextant inertial navigation system with GPS interface; NATO-compatible Have Quick 2 secure communications; Mode 4 digital IFF; a defensive aids suite; and flight recorders. The radar was upgraded to Cyrano IVM standard, adding sea search and air to ground ranging modes.
F1EE(M) Specifics:
Same as F1EE_late plus:
Major Cockpit redesign: new HUD Left MFD for radar display, weapon and other configuration pages UFCP Up Front Control Panel AN/ALR-300 RWRmiscellaneous others re-layouts and additions GPS antenna for improved Inertial Navigation System double wingtips lights IFF antenna Covered units :
Ala 14.
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
The Mirage F-1 Team.
Submitter ludo.m54 Submitted 12/01/2024 Category Mirage F1
By ludo.m54
Mirage F1EE(M)
The F1M upgrade was applied to 48 Spanish F1CE/EE. The prototype F1M flew in April 1998, and CASA delivered the remainder between March 1999 and 15 March 2001. The project included a revised cockpit with colour LCDs and a Smart HUD from Sextant Avionique, a Sextant inertial navigation system with GPS interface; NATO-compatible Have Quick 2 secure communications; Mode 4 digital IFF; a defensive aids suite; and flight recorders. The radar was upgraded to Cyrano IVM standard, adding sea search and air to ground ranging modes.
F1EE(M) Specifics:
Same as F1EE_late plus:
Major Cockpit redesign: new HUD Left MFD for radar display, weapon and other configuration pages UFCP Up Front Control Panel AN/ALR-300 RWRmiscellaneous others re-layouts and additions GPS antenna for improved Inertial Navigation System double wingtips lights IFF antenna Covered units :
Ala 14.
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
The Mirage F-1 Team.