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F-7N Airguard Over Iran. SF2.
yakarov79, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
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By ludo.m54
View File Mirage_F1EQ-5_IRIAF
Mirage F1EQ5_Iriaf
This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him.
Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force seized 24 F1BQs and F1EQs flown over from Iraq, during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. As of December 2021, 12 Mirage F1EQs and 5 Mirage F1BQs were in service.
This mod is not 100% accurate, Iran used all the EQ versions but for more simplicity we decided to use only one version, the EQ-5, to cover all the IRIAF aircrafts.
There is not a lot of informations about the Iranian Mirage, so we did our best to make a realistic aircraft.
Based on Iraqi F1EQ-5 v4.0.1 mod with the following changes:
all the original Iraqi weapons and pods have been disabled as Iran did not get any of those P7 and sidewinder compatibility added (instead of R550) F5 tanks (underwings stations only) instead of original F1 RP35 US bombs and rockets. Another data.ini version is provided for russians bombs and rockets use instead of US. Covered unit :
102sd TFS
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
The Mirage F.1 Team
Submitter ludo.m54 Submitted 09/01/2024 Category Mirage F1
By ludo.m54
Mirage F1EQ5_Iriaf
This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him.
Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force seized 24 F1BQs and F1EQs flown over from Iraq, during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. As of December 2021, 12 Mirage F1EQs and 5 Mirage F1BQs were in service.
This mod is not 100% accurate, Iran used all the EQ versions but for more simplicity we decided to use only one version, the EQ-5, to cover all the IRIAF aircrafts.
There is not a lot of informations about the Iranian Mirage, so we did our best to make a realistic aircraft.
Based on Iraqi F1EQ-5 v4.0.1 mod with the following changes:
all the original Iraqi weapons and pods have been disabled as Iran did not get any of those P7 and sidewinder compatibility added (instead of R550) F5 tanks (underwings stations only) instead of original F1 RP35 US bombs and rockets. Another data.ini version is provided for russians bombs and rockets use instead of US. Covered unit :
102sd TFS
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
The Mirage F.1 Team
By Avrillav
Hello. Is there anyone to make The IAIO Qaher-313, Iranian stealth fighter which is under construction and development?
By yakarov79
View File F-14A Tomcat over Iran. SF2.
This is F-14A Tomcat as after 1979 in Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force.
This is based on Thirdwire DLC 027. So if you dont have this pack you can't use this mod.
Whats in.
This is basicly the skin and decals set For F-14A_Iran from DLC027.
Skin is based on pappychksix templates
All decals are made by me and set to randomization=TRUE.
Ive put only 72 serial numbers into 3 squadrons that operated F-14A in 79-80.
Al numbers are historicaly correct, but only few are proper for specific unit.
During Iran-Iraq war lot aircrafts were transfered from unit to unit or temporary written off so its hard to track proper aircraft placement in units.
few aircrafts were also serving in testing units. So total aircrafts in service in 1979 was probably around 70.
No weapons / pilots added. It will work with latest ravenclaw weapons for sure.
There is optional folder with INI files. Its is mix of inis based on TMF F-14 pack.
And also pit is from TMF pack.
So all credit to them for their work.
Credits to pappychksix for F-14 Templates from here =>
Cockpit: Chris (original and new update) with tweaks by Crusader and Caesar
FM: ThirdWire, Caesar, Column5, Spectre8750
Avionics: Crusader, ThirdWire, Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, CrazyhorseB34
Ejection Mod: Stary
Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 01/07/2017 Category F-14
By yakarov79
View File Iranian Air Force support aircrafts.
This pack includes aicrafts used by Iranian Air Force.
Mostly eye candy aircrafts, available on CA. (with one exeption)
P-3F Orion - Used by Air Force to support Iranian Navy. New skin based on my template, and correct serial number decals. Im using here Florian's pit for C-160 - for me it fits wel here.
Boeing KC-707 - simple mod by fakepilot adding (not operational) refueling pods on wing tips. Decals with correct serial numbers.
C-130E Hercules used by Iranian Air Foce transport squadrons. Serial numbers are correct, but not necesarly proper for units. Althoug those 3 units were probably operating E Hercules in 1979.
Cessna 337 - only skin, for now as there is no better model. YAP's model is ok but uvwraping is screwd.
So I chose CA model by V2K - also not perfect but as temporary eye candy must fit here.
Pilatus PC-6 from "other site" you need all files from A-Team site to run this mod. This mod provides only skin for IRIAF and ini files that should be used with this mod. (do backup here)
Also fake pilot "proper" exhaust for Turbo PC-6 - old exhasut removed by data.ini file.
T-33 skin pack with correct serial numbers.
So as I said it is eye candy aircraft pack for Iran-Iraq war era.
All serial numbers in this pack are historicaly correct and are based on available documents, photos.
P-3F Orion with Cockpit - Florian
KC-707 - Mirage Factory C-135B Model by BPAO
Cessna 337 -O-2A Skymaster - model Veltro2K from pack by Wrench.
C-130E, cokcpit and templates by Dels.
T-33 by ErikGen from pack by Wrench.
PC-6 - A-Team...
All skins (exept T-33) and decals are made by me.
Skin for T-33- I just added IRIAF roundels/finflash on main skin.
Enjoy and have fun.
Jarek Hereda.
Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 09/30/2016 Category Other Origin