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Another Terrain Problem...

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I'm doing a terrain that is 1500km x 1500km, not the standard 1000x1000.


There are two airbases that are not showing up unless I move them closer to the midpoint of the map.  Is there a world setting I'm missing.  Any advice for making terrains larger than the ordinary size?

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Make sure those 2 airbases are not beyond the wall and I would also check the main INI file of the terrain to make sure the map size reflects 1500km



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The main .ini file is adjusted, but how do I adjust the wall?

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The main .ini file is adjusted, but how do I adjust the wall?

Simply you can't.  I'm afraid that you'll have to scrap those two airbases.  If people own SF2NA, you can make such airbases as OffMapAirbase=TRUE (just check he stock IcelandNA terrain's targets.ini).  Or try to make a bigger terrain, 2000x2000, but that means you'll have to start from the beginning. I think first choice is the one you may want to do.

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That's what I did.  Guess the engine is just hard coded to that sort of thing.  Oh, well.  Added two civilian airports for ad hoc military use.

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we used to be able to move The Wall (I even wrote a tutorial for the KB on it)

but one of the NA patches kicked that right in the nuts, and they're back locked at the 80km limit.


of course, you can always redo the map and add another couple thousand kms, so those show up ...



ducks and runs..... :biggrin:

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