Skyviper 1,101 Posted September 7, 2017 For years I've been wanting to get the hang of a complex sim like DCS A-10c and finally I'm getting to where I'm memorizing the startup sequence, and getting decent with the flight controls. If you remember several months ago I mentioned how MigBuster's contest hooked me into the world of DCS simulation. My experience was disastrous as it was comical. This time there is more success, while not perfect I was finally awarded with hearing the Hog's gun make short work of practice targets. I'll be getting into the weapons training segment later on today. But getting most of my systems in order is something I've been wanting to do for a while. There are some other DCS modules that I'm interested in trying and that has me asking: Compared to the A-10c are these other modules more complex, easier, or on the same level of difficulty? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MigBuster 2,900 Posted September 8, 2017 In my past experience A-10C has similarities to learning the F-16C in BMS in terms of learning the avionics and how to fire the weapons, using the TGP, A-A refueling etc etc and you will likely still be learning new things even after years of perseverance in both cases. On the other hand, It is relatvely easy to take off/Land / hit ground targets and has a very accurate gun. Spitfire Mk9 / P-51 are in comparison very easy to startup and remember the very few cockpit controls............however trying to takeoff and land in a taildragger (Spitfire mainly) is very difficult even after a lot of control tweaks, and you have all that engine management business in flight. MiG-15bis / F-86F is easy to fly and easy to startup, hitting anything with guns however can be challenging and so is bombing. Mirage 2000C........easy to fly but lots of radar modes and avionics switches a few French words to get heads round with INS only (no GPS) that requires manual Lat/Long input and manual updates in flight. Then there is 1980s combat with naff SARH missiles like R530D that I generally avoided in the past. MiG-21bis...never seen so many switches but after a while not bad to operate and the radar has a few vices...the main thing to learn in this aircraft is how to restart the engine in flight..or even flying to negate flaming it out. F-5E......Easy to fly, simpler than Mirage in terms of avionics but manual bombing modes to practise. The upcoming FA-18C is probably like the A-10C, whereas the F-4E and F-14A could be trickier F-5Es with the extra manned or AI GIB option. If you have the time choose the one you like the most and ideally the most challenging where you will learn something. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyviper 1,101 Posted September 8, 2017 Cool. Thank you for the information. I'd imagine tail draggers would be hard. I recall using the Chuck Yeager flight simulator back in the day. I could take off in most aircraft, expect the P-51 Mustang. I kept stalling after take off. It was the biggest pain in the neck for me to fly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Viggen 678 Posted September 9, 2017 Something tells me the Viggen would be a challenge! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyviper 1,101 Posted September 13, 2017 I've been flying more and more training missions and getting just as addicted to the DCS series. I know I'm no where near digital combat ready yet but I'm getting better. I wish there was a free flight mode where I can do stuff without the tutorial getting in the way. But I'm targeting JDAMs and Paveways with a really high level of accuracy. For a while JDAMs where giving me problems but then I realized that in my startup procedure I wasn't allowing the NAV alignment to finish. Today just a few hours ago was the best damn flight I have ever had. A far cry from my first out. So Migbuster, CombatACE, thank you letting me know about DCS. I'm loving this. I just got to HOTAS sometime in the future when I can afford one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MigBuster 2,900 Posted September 13, 2017 There are 3 free flight missions with my A-10C: Go into Mission mode, and then select A-10C from the left. The missions are presented in a file structure like you see in Windows File if you double click the folder at the top to go to the next level , then double click the folder called "single" you should get a bunch of missions including 3 "free flight" ones. Expect you can also create an "instant action" mission with no or a few ground targets using the advanced editor.....or failing that with the Mission editor you can do a lot more but probably needs a bit more time. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyviper 1,101 Posted September 14, 2017 I did find those just now. For some reason that I thought that would launch my campaign so I ignored it. I claim my idiocy on this one thank you, sir. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyviper 1,101 Posted September 17, 2017 Dang I'm getting better. I had to punch out though because all my systems went off line and the engines flamed out. I was flying around doing a bunch of loops and rolls and flying upside down. Attempted restart ... it would've been cool if a Huey could pick me up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted September 19, 2017 Yeah, the A-10C was not built for extended inverted flight. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites