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Is there anything else to make 3D models?

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Ive been looking around a bit for 3D studio Max and ive noticed that it is very expensive. Around $500. Isnt there anything cheeper or a cheeper version of it. Maybe even a demo of it just so i can build this one plane ive always wanted to play on SFP1. Please, $500 is ridicules. :ohmy:

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I got a copy from a friend who bought one and got 2 in the mail. I do not even know how to use it either. LOL

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I cant belive it costs so much. I was on the internet the other night and found a pair sunglasses for $500, anyway. I guess I should mention what i want to make: Northrop Grumman B-2A; F/A-22 Raptor; F-117 Nighthawk. Those are what I will submit once iI raise enough money for 3D Studio Max.

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I cant belive it costs so much. I was on the internet the other night and found a pair sunglasses for $500, anyway. I guess I should mention what i want to make: Northrop Grumman B-2A; F/A-22 Raptor; F-117 Nighthawk. Those are what I will submit once iI raise enough money for 3D Studio Max.


I know that a few have successfully created aircraft using Blender and/or other freeware 3d apps, and then had someone else import and "code" the models for them in 3dMax.


BTW, the F/A-22 and '117 are already quite far along in the "WIP" stage.

Edited by Fubar512

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Guest capun

Or using GMax and then exporting to X format and have someone export it to the game

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When do you think they will be avalible to download?


Do not know, when it will be done. We never have a time frame for this stuff.

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I was on the internet last night looking up pictures of possible military aircraft i could make (i know people who will get me started trust me) and I found the He-111Z Zwilling. Perhaps one of the weirdest planes i have ever seen. Now when I post planes on this site do I have to have permission by USAFMTL or do i just go ahead and post it?


Edited by Kalakushcov

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I was on the internet last night looking up pictures of possible military aircraft i could make (i know people who will get me started trust me) and I found the He-111Z Zwilling. Perhaps one of the weirdest planes i have ever seen. Now when I post planes on this site do I have to have permission by USAFMTL or do i just go ahead and post it?




Go for it. This is an open sim, and an open community.

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Okay ill get started ASAP! Thought that I had to inform someone before I post a plane.

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Man that would be cool to see in the sim. Looking forward to it.

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I believe they have them (as targets) in Il-2, but you can't fly one. Would love to try and get that monster in the air!




The Jedi Master

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Jedi Master wrote:

I believe they have them (as targets) in Il-2, but you can't fly one.


You can fly on ALL no flight planes in IL-2 after changed some files (just, add names of planes), but without cockpit (on external view only). At least, it is true for version 2.04

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I've got 4.02m (with AEP and PF) of Il-2, and I haven't the faintest idea how to do a "fly any plane" mod for it! :)


Conversely, any non-flyable plane in SFP1/WoV can be made flyable with a couple of quick edits. :biggrin:




The Jedi Master

Edited by Jedi Master

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Guest pdelbarba

do you knoe were the web site is to get that freeware

another question how do i give my aircaft more skin resolution

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increase the size of the bmp when mapping 2048x2048 is best.

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Guest pdelbarba

thanks a lot. Why isnt it standard to have that size?

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thanks a lot.  Why isnt it standard to have that size?


Because when this simulation first came out (in the fall of 2002), the "average" gaming system sported either a P4 1.8 or an Athlon XP 1800, teamed with a 64 meg Geforce 3 or 64 meg Radeon 8500 vid card. Such a system would have given you frame rates in the single digits at high resolution with several 2048x2048 skinned models flying about.


Today, with 3+ ghz CPUs being the norm, and even budget DX9-capable vid cards running 128-256 megs with 500 MHz core and 1000 mhz mem speeds, it's no longer an issue. Also, it depends on how the skins were formatted. For example, the default F-4s, F-104s, and F-100s all run 512x512 skins, and they look rather good, considering.

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Guest IndioBlack
I know that a few have successfully created aircraft using Blender and/or other freeware 3d apps, and then had someone else import and "code" the models for them in 3dMax.


BTW, the F/A-22 and '117 are already quite far along in the "WIP" stage.


You'll make an F-117?

Would you like a donation?


Will the F-117 be a proper Stealth Aircraft, with low signature, so that Radar Sites couldn't find you if you flew the correct profile?


No-one has done a proper Stealth Fighter since Microprose's F-117, or iMagic's iF-22, none of which work in XP. The Novalogic F-22's have no stealth characteristics, and neither does the Jane's USAF. I just love flying Stealth Missions, and would be writing them up if I had an F-117.

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