Su-35 Mod weapon loadout Promlem
Anshuman, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
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By JaneyBananey
So, about a year and change ago, I posted about the horrible frankenstein of an install I used to make Wings Over Europe, the Steam version, run on Windows 10. You may be delighted and/or terrified to hear that it both runs and runs well, and is stable.
However, I have encountered a different issue.
I would like to fly the Hawker Hunter. The vanilla engine noise it ships with is absolutely horrible, to the point of making the aircraft unflyable. Being the spiffy little autodidact that I am, I went into the game's root folder, into the objects subfolder, and within it, tried to locate the sound folder so that I may replace the engine sounds. Yes, I checked the game's basic Sounds folder, and the engine sound for the Hunter specifically, among a few other aircraft, isn't there.
The HunterFGA9 folder contains only three files: RAFCamo1, HunterFGA9.ini, and the .bmp image of the aircraft in the hangar. I rummaged around the .ini file to try and locate a directory that it is pulling the sounds from, to no avail. There is a reference inside of said .ini to another .ini by the name of HunterFGA9_data.ini, but I could not locate this anywhere. Clearly, it exists, as the aircraft is flyable in game, but god help me if I can find it.
So, in the briefest possible terms: How can I replace the God-awful engine noise from the Hunter (and multiple other aircraft) with something less ear-bleed-y?
By JamesWilson
a couple of months ago i discovered this gorgeous total conversion called "Yankee Air Pirate", and that the "REVAMP" edition for SF2 (the original one was for WOV) existed, and other awesome total conversions like "Drug Wars" and "Flight School" too, so i got ready to download them, but since i hadn't enough space at the time, i waited.
Now i come back on the website to find out all the links and pages about the revamp are gone, there's only the original ones for SF1 series.
Do anyone of you know why they're gone? Will they come back? They're maybe updating the mods?
By JamesWilson
Hi everyone,
I recently got into weapon modding and wanted to edit some missiles.
I went for the Weapons Folder with the Weapons Editor, and some weapons were missing, even tho i can see them and equip them in-game.
I wanted to edit the AA-2D Atoll for my Su-22M3, but there's no AA-2 folder inside Weapons folder, nor inside plane folder, even tho the missile is equippable and i can see it/use it in-game.
Since there's no Atoll folder, i have no idea how is it possible for me to have it in-game, and even less i know on how am i supposed to edit it through Weapons Editor, since i can't select the folder.
I thought it may be a sort of "built-in-game" missile and for this reason not showing in weapons folder (idk i just made an hypothesis).
So i tried using the CAT Extractor, but seems like not working... no matter which CAT file i select, it says "error opening this .CAT file, no files can be extracted", how's that? How do i fix it? Am i doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance for helping me fixing all these issues or helping me find what i'm doing wrong
By JamesWilson
Hi everyone,
I was wondering how to customize the numbers after your callsigns, since it always gives me the same ones.
I think i managed somehow once, a bit of time ago, but now i forgot and have no idea how to.
I'm not talking about how to customize the callsign name, but the unit number after it.
As you can see in the Roster and in the picture under, i get "Fast Eagle 1-1" and "Fast Eagle 1-2"
Here are some examples:
The numbers on the tail, wing and nose numbers are customized, cause i managed how to change them, choosing them individually for each unit in the mission file by changing "AircraftNumber=" and typing the number, like "2" (as for 202). It doesn't change by typing the whole number tho, like 202 by typing 202, but it goes by typing the number that corresponds to the list of numbers you have. For example, In a list that goes from 200 to 400, you will have to type 10 to get 300. Here i just typed "2" and "7" since the list starts from 200
IIRC, in the past i just used to type the Aircaft number just like that, and in-game i had the proper number after the callsign, like "Fast Eagle 102", not just the number displayed on the plane livery.
How do i do? I'm pretty sure that it's possible to have "Fast Eagle 102" on my screen HUD and in the Roster
Thanks in advance for helping me.
just requesting to rise your voice for strike fighters 3 or atleast graphics engine update for Strike Fighters 2 series