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A.M.I. F-104 Starfighter "Storia di un mito"

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My  friend  Laurent from France pointed me to this great italian film, so I decided to share with you all, my friend ... specially with Alex aka Spillone of course .... :yikes:

No English this time, sorry ....


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Conosco bene il film,avevo il VHS ed ora l'MP4. Ben fatto per un pezzo di storia della nostra Aeronautica


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Italian starfighters are my favorite. I just wish we have a "southern theater" NATO vs WARPAC terrain so all the beautiful Italian, Greek and Turkish stuff had a proper playground.

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Matt, really??

Eastern Med


Black Sea (Turkey)

only one missing is the Balkans...


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Libya map doesn’t really cover a European conflict against the Warsaw pack and as far as I know the Black Sea terrain is post cold war. I was hoping for something with the southern NATO and Warsaw pact nations.  I’ll be happy as can be if it’s just me not seeing something.I’m more than happy to be wrong if it means there is a terrain that fits my description.

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@whiteknight06604 I am afraid this won't be coming soon, as I have to finalize much of the tiling manually, and it's a very time consuming job. Not to mention that we're still busy working on ODS, so much to improve upon. Also, I don't want to release a half assed terrain. Target area wise, it's filled with all possible bases and real SAM site locations. All river courses and lakes have been reproduced very accurately! This would be the perfect companion to the stock GermanyCE terrain. A specific version for the 90s and beyond will be made afterwards.

Edited by Menrva
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10 hours ago, Menrva said:


@whiteknight06604 I am afraid this won't be coming soon, as I have to finalize much of the tiling manually, and it's a very time consuming job. Not to mention that we're still busy working on ODS, so much to improve upon. Also, I don't want to release a half assed terrain. Target area wise, it's filled with all possible bases and real SAM site locations. All river courses and lakes have been reproduced very accurately! This would be the perfect companion to the stock GermanyCE terrain. A specific version for the 90s and beyond will be made afterwards.

This'ld be a ten year long dream ... :clapping:

Glad to help


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