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What is this B-52 carrying?

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What is the external pylon type and weapons the B-52 in the picture below carrying? It is not a Hound Dog and does not look like a Bullpup to me. I also did not think that Skybolt reached the prototype stage. What else could it be?

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Edited by KJakker

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they're skybolts, but I can't cut the image out of my SSP book (stupid pdf reader....) the "Boeing B-52 In Action #1153" has a couple of picture of those missiles.

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Okay, thanks. I have never seen that pylon before and I never knew they got that far with development. It seems the Skybolt had two different RV/nose cones which is why I did not recognize it.

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Wasn’t just the B-52 that was tested carrying dummy Skybolts, they were tried on Vulcans as well. 

The RAF intent was for Skybolt to replace the rather unreliable Blue Steel. Preparations went as far as most Vulcan B2s being manufactured with the necessary wing hard points. Twenty years after Skybolt was cancelled, these hardpoints suddenly became useful as somewhere to hang Shrike ARMs for long-range SEAD sorties during the Falklands War.



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