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Arty Spotting/Photo Recon.

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As we all know, directing the artillery and photographic reconnaissance for the PBI was the primary and most important function of the air services. I realise it's a difficult proposition in-game to actually direct artillery, watch the results and correct accordingly or take photographs of military importance that show up on screen to indicate you got it right before beating it back home tail up. Or not, as the case may be.

Have there been any changes in this regard in BH&H II ? Or perhaps in the future ?

Either way I look forward with relish to dying often in the re-vamped Quirk doing my duty in Bloody April.

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Pretty interesting question, could be really interesting to fly a slow, stable kite against those pesky Fokkers.

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Arty spotting was one of my favorite mission in RoF :

I flew a Sopwith Stutter against Albatros DV : it was tough


In Il2-1946, they found a way to "simulate it" : it was some sort of a gun, with a very slow shell speed I think

Edited by jeanba

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Would be good if a way was found to properly implement photo recon and arty tasking... any of the modders had a go at this at all?

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