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ODS Warbirds: F-16 Fighting Falcon ODS30 Squadrons

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ODS Warbirds: F-16 Fighting Falcon ODS30 Squadrons

SF2 F-16 Fighting Falcon ODS30 Squadrons


This pack contains the stand-alone version of the F-16 Fighting Falcon aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like this mod and want (much much) more! Please check out the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" mod here....


!! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!

* Sources: 

* Included Jets: 
F-16A Falcon Block 10
F-16C Falcon Block 25
F-16C Falcon Block 30
F-16C Falcon Block 40


1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.

2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add F16 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list.

3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 

* Please note that some squadrons may have multiple CO planes, this is not a mistake. Rather than just picking one CO, I am respresenting all the COs for that squardon during the period. So both COs could pop up in given scenario. I rather have them than cut them so...it's only a game...

* Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
* Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
* Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79\Viper63a.
* Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
* Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a\Coupi

Thanks and Enjoy!



Previous versions....This mod is a ODS specific subset of these other mods...

Original Mod Packs...

* F-16C Blk25/30 By the Viper Team.

Pit by ravenclaw. (A master piece and you haven't seen nuttin' yet.)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
Units skins by Dave and Jat (I think Jat did like 4 and I did the other 70 or so) lol
Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)

* F-16C Blk40/42 Series By the Viper Team.

Pack Includes:
F-16C Block 40/42
Turkish Blk 40's
Block 40/42 Cupid mods

Pit by ravenclaw. (Somebody stop him!)
Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
Skins: use of JanHas's F4 skins
Turkish skins by Pureblue
Greek pattern by EricJ
Pilots: Base from Florian mod by JAT
Loading Screens by ST0RM
MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
Units skins by Jat, Pureblue, Dave and EricJ  
Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
Brain32, for FM, Avionics work. (He found that Mach 1 is FAST.)
Crash test Dummy, Dave (Thank god he doesn't have a usable brain)
CrazyhorseB34, ini work (and the other dummy)

* Please see the "~Original Readme" folder for original credits and previous contributors. All credit goes to those who came before me. Without them, this pack would not be possible. 


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      -yakarov79, for his reworked F-22 3d model and relative templates.

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