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Two seater question

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Why two seaters  never fly alone?Realism?

Very deadly attack them when you get into crossfire.

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In the next update V1.21 as per the news section here, which is a free update for 2-seater reconnaissance operations.  In that, they will sometimes fly alone, or with another craft to help/cover. They will usually fly with more in the flight when out to bomb something.

And defensively they are much better then of course as you say, but also more easily spotted.



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On 17.2.2022 at 3:28 PM, Polovski said:

In the next update V1.21 as per the news section here, which is a free update for 2-seater reconnaissance operations.  In that, they will sometimes fly alone, or with another craft to help/cover. They will usually fly with more in the flight when out to bomb something.

And defensively they are much better then of course as you say, but also more easily spotted.




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Depends on the date.

They may of paired up early in the war, but with the Aviatik BII that makes no sense as they cant defend themselves. A BII spotting with a CI as escort makes sense.

Later on, due to camera optics, German LB squads would fly high and alone as not to draw attention to themselves. The annoying DOP's by British airmen forced the german

units to fly quite high before even thinking of going near the lines.

On the other hand, the British (French ??) had so many line patrols that their 2 seaters could almost always consider themselves as being "escorted" and they followed the policy

of using larger formations too. It seems to me that the Hun relied more on stealth and to get his recce done.

As it stands now in Jan 1916 in the DID campaign I'm lucky to take-off or reach the lines without being jumped by N11's, which seems to match many accounts of British airmen

reporting that most Huns would turn and run upon spotting EA.....unless they had greater numbers.

As a note, I use the mission editor to remove pilots from my formation or cancel "A-Flight" to match what I think happened (fly alone mostly)..

My squad of 6 aircraft has been wiped out completely more than once.

Edited by lederhosen

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