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A-7A being tested with new TMF A-7A cockpit:
NOTE:  TMF Cockpit is being tweaked to be aligned properly with TW A-7A, along with the improved night light being implemented.




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Hello everyone!

Report for today:  While preparing to release the next version of beta with A-6s and A-7s, I began working on Mirage III family.  The afterburner are next new challenge to work on after viewing various old videos of Mirage III afterburner.  They are rather unique, like MiG-17s and 19s.  Did my best to give it bluish color for inner afterburner along with yellow afterburner for outer part.  This time, 2D afterburner texture are used to enchance 3D afterburner effect.  There is a smooth transmit from afterburner to engine node animation.








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I want to talk about the radar panel for Mirage III Family.  After going through various Mirage III mods/skins from CombatAce, I took notes that some of them have different radar scope textures for Mirage III.  However, according to the sources, It appears that some Mirages have different colors for radar scope.  

This is the radar scope from Shahak Over Israel. SF2. 1.0 (yakarov79), I like his radar scope texture.  It invited me into modding cockpit and avionics for SFCE. 


I noted that in some pictures of old aircraft such as A-7s, F-4s, and others, the radar panel doesn't look super 'clean" like modern avionics.  This is a picture of USAF A-7D radar scope:


I just realized I also want to improve all aircraft radar scope too!  Looks like I have a lot more fun projects to work on now. 


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Report for today:

It is very interesting experiment with the radar scope for F-4B!  After looking for the information, pictures, and videos of F-4B radar scope, I found this golden thread:


StreakEagle provided the pictures I needed for the F-4B radar texture and started working on it.  It came out very interesting!  Here are screenshots and I would like the feedback on this, please.  I aim to give all aircraft authentic, realistic radar experiences as an optional for anyone who wants to use it in SFCE or any of mods.





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Hello everyone!

Report for today:

I stated that I was going to release the next version of the beta, it has been postponed due to a real-life situation.  During the next free time, I really wanted to work on the mirage III and V.  To my surprise, there is information that is very difficult to find, such as loadout for Egyptian and Libyan Mirage 5s.  Still can't find it, fortunately, there are mods that are built specifically for Libyan and Egyptian Mirage 5s.  At the same time, I spent days working on learning how to iron out the problems with the ini codes.  Learned so much from it, so I can code better in ini files now.  With that, all Mirage IIIs and Vs have the proper working features, hopefully.  This is what beta is all about and I look forward getting the feedback on the next version of beta.

I have decided to postpone the beta release so all Mirage IIIs and Vs in SF2 can be released along with A-6s and A-7s.

By the way, I also really want to work on another interesting project when SFCE is completed.  This is what I have in my mind:

- Finish SFCE with default TK radar scope and DTV
- Start working on the realistic radar scope, DTV, and other cockpit item textures and effects as an optional add-on to SFCE.

I have a great interest in it after experimenting with F-4s with authentical CRT texture.  I am convinced it is well worth my time.  Right now I am gathering the information on the radar scope, DTV, and other materials.  If any of you have any information I can use, please PM me.

As always, thank you for the support.


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Hello everyone!

Report for today: All Mirages IIIs, Vs, including Israel Shahak, Nesher, and Kfir are looking good so far.  At this rate, I hope to release the new version of beta soon.  I will be honest here, I am not even sure if the Libyan and Eygptian weapon have the accurate or proper weapons.  This is why I need feedback.  When I get it, I will fix and correct any historical inaccurate with the weapon load or any other aspect of aircraft, including cockpits and other. 

Doing this project really opened my eye to the various history, the different aircraft, even the difference between nation's mirage IIIs and Vs.  I humbly am enjoying learning new things everyday from coding the ini files to the history of various aircraft.

Here are screenshots of Kfir with new effects:



You can see the difference between ATAR and J79 engines with the new effects.




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Testing the lights and other function at night (IAI Kfir C.2):





Improved night light for cockpit are also implemented:



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Hello everyone!

The new version of SFCE beta v1.2a is now released with the major updates including Mirage IIIs, Mirage Vs, including Shahak, Nesher, and Kfir series. 

Please note two things; 
- Libyan Mirage D and DE are splited into two different years.  So there are Mirage 5D, Mirage 5D_77, Mirage 5DE, and Mirage 5DE. 
- There is one issue in Egyptian Mirage 5SDE's loadout.ini.  BFT is not working in loadout.ini, BUT you still will be able to have 4 of bombs loaded instead of having total 8 bombs with BFT automatically.  At least BFT still works well and you can manually load them in loadout.  If any of you know how to fix this, please let me know and I will happily update SFCE with it.

I hope you all enjoy the beta and I humbly ask for the feedback.  If I can get feedback, it will help me improving SFCE further too.


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Hello everyone, 

I want to share something interesting with everyone today.  I am on a short break from SFCE after working on the E.E. Lightning.  I wanted to do further experiment on F-4B avionics overhaul to see how it go.  What I have learned, after finding out about the hardcoded limitation, turns out I can not change the radar symbols colors.  

I was working on the new texture for the radar symbols based on this image:

My attemption to change the colors of radar symbols in SF2:

Even though SF2 radar symbols are hardcoded, does not mean I give up.  That is when I came up with an alternative solution to this to make radar more bearable and readable while still having an immersive experiences with it.  For now, unless TK decide to make it moddable, what I have decided to do is to darken the CRT version of radar scope.  You will be able to choose between darken CRT or CRT with red filter len applied over it:




This is based on the images:




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keep in mind that the last two pictures show the radar turned off. It is a glass coating that makes it maroonish + lighting in room + angle of camera at the moment of taking pictures. 

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On 6/18/2022 at 1:02 AM, yakarov79 said:

keep in mind that the last two pictures show the radar turned off. It is a glass coating that makes it maroonish + lighting in room + angle of camera at the moment of taking pictures. 

That is noted, thank you for the explanation.  May I ask if you have any pictures of red filter radar being turned on? I am currently searching for it.  What I recently learned after talking to a few people is that the early F-4's radar (F-4B / C / D) displays had engraved graticules.   That means would the graticules would appear white or gray. And with the red filter len, they could look like a brighter red. 

I also learned that the later version of F-4s (E version, probably J / N / S) had the lines drawn on the len, so they have the green shade like the sweeping line and horizontal line.

I will re-work on the radar scope, can't wait to show the new result.  I will make the red filter version more lighter shade of Maroonish color on the CRT color.


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Hello everyone,

Here are new version of early F-4s CRT and night filter.  



I look forward to the feedback on this.  After this weekend, I am looking forward working on improving E.E. Lightning and then next aircraft.  This have been a refreshing break experimenting with avionics overhauls. 


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Hello everyone!

After a weekend break from SFCE and experimenting with avionics overhaul for SFCE, I am now working on E.E. Lightning series.  It is a joy to work on it.  Based on this video:






I am working on implementing the wing vortex effects and when it is completed, the new screenshots will be posted.


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Hello everyone,

After constant adjusting and going through many testing, the wing vortex is now completed for Lighting F.1.  The rest of Lightning family will have new wing vortex implemented too.





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Hello everyone!

Report for today:

Su-7 and Su-9 is being worked on now.  

The afterburner video was another challenge to find like MiG-19.  Found an ancient video that shows afterburner!  However, even though it does not show the color, it still gave me an idea after watching Su-22 videos.

Su-7 and Su-9 are powered by Lyulka AL-7 while Su-22 is powered by Lyulka AL-21 turbojet with afterburner.  Even though Su-7 / 9 and Su-22 uses different engine, it still made by Lyulka and it may give me best ideas about the afterburner colors.   Here is a video of Su-7 with afterburner (Skip to 1:09 and watch from there.)

This is Su-22's afterburner:


Here are screenshot of new afterburner effect for Su-7s:





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Report for today:

All Su-7s series are now completed.  I am moving on to Su-9.





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Su-7s are using Stary excellent Su-7 cockpit with his cockpit night light tweaks.




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Report for today:

Su-9 is almost completed.  It also come with Stary excellent Su-9 cockpit.  Here is screenshots:







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Report for today:

Su-9 weapon data have gone through major overhaul, thank to Wrench and Pasko's excellent Su-9s mods.  Su-9 drop tank and Soviet early AAMs is added to SFCE as well.  Here is the list of AAM you can use with Su-9:

Note: I reserved TW version of AA-1B for in case if anyone want to use it.  I added the name -TW-, so you know which is TW and added weapons.


Now that Su-9 is completed, I am moving on to next USA aircraft.   The next version of beta will be released after next several planes go through overhauls.


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Report for today:

While working on CF-104s and F-104s overhaul, when the afterburner was created based on J79 effects. I realized something;

When I started working on SFCE for the first time, I went wild with the effects and visual overhaul.  Then now this time, I set the balance between being ambitious and being practical with the goals due to SF2 engine limitation. 

The reason for this is that SF2 have many hardcoded limitation.  There are many times I truly wished that SF2 have more accessibility to the moddability.  This also includes the wing vortex, afterburner, and other effects.  It makes sense to not push against the limitation of SF2 too much, it may cause unstable problems.  For example, when I tried adding wing vortex to A-6s and EA-6s, I could not go beyond components[032], anything beyond that won't work.

When working on the wing vortex, I always make sure to never pass components[030] so it has room for other components, in case someone wants to mod it in.  The same thing with the 'FakeEngine1", it makes better sense to only clone one engine for engine node animation, inner afterburner, outer afterburner, and exhaust smoke.  I decided to erase "Afterburner Ring" because it looks great in pictures but doesn't match when running in-game.  I spent many hours trying to make a 'diamond/ring' afterburner shape stay in one place instead of moving away from the plane.  There are no codes that make the afterburner effect freeze in place, then spawn the next effect after that.  I decided to go with a more simple method;

Engine node -> Inner afterburner -> Outer afterburner -> Engine exhaust smoke

After studying the videos of the F-104s engine (J79s variants), it came out great!







There will always be room for improvement of an existing effects,  besides adding new effects.


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With the improvement of J79 effects for F-104s, the rest of J79 powered F-4s get improvement too!





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Hello everyone!

There is one more thing I want to discuss about;  My plan for SFCE and SFCE Avionics overhaul

As you can see, add-on cockpits have unique radar scope texture.   I am going to use that for SFCE Avionics overhaul.  For now, I intend to keep SFCE using TW style radar with black background:


The reason for this decision is that many other TW aircraft use radar scope with background too.  It preserves your familiarity with the usage of the radar in any aircraft in SFCE.   However, in the SFCE Avionics overhaul, it is planned for all aircraft to have historical radar scope colors and textures.  This includes having Su-9 radar scope texture restored too:


However, due to the hardcoded SF2 limitation, for now, we can not change the specific radar symbols or changing the colors.  This is why I believe in balancing the readability and immersive.  To do this, I will darken the radar scope texture, so there will be more contrast between green radar symbols and background color whie keeping the radar scope texture/color as possible.  You will see this in SFCE - Avionics overhaul after SFCE is completed.



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Hello everyone!

Report for today:

While finishing working on F-104s, it is envitable that I keep adding the add-on weapons to SFCE.  SF2 have been missing what is needed for aircraft such as F-104G (Germany) and other nation's ordinance.  I still stand on the decision of not adding any add-on aircraft or skins so anyone can build the mods upon SFCE.

However, there are many aircraft I want to add to SFCE and that is when new idea came out.  After SFCE and Avionics overhaul is completed, I am going to work on SFCE Add-on where people can add to SFCE.  For example, A-6s annd EA-6Bs super pack, F-104s super pack, and other packs.

By the way,  with the new add-on weapons, I realized another thing.  There is no point keeping original TW weapons when mods overhaul SF2 weapons to become more accurate.  I am now overwriting SF2 with mods that correct and fix the weapons.

Due to the growth of the weapons, I added the tags so it become easier to navigate through it. it helped me a lot when looking for certain ordinances for specific roles for various missions.  The name tags are still being worked on.


You can see various tags, such as [Bomb-LDGP / LL / GP / FFD / CB / LL / Etc...]

Same thing with (IRM / SAHM / SARH / AHM / TV / LP / Etc...) for both AAM and AGM.

In case if you wonder what they stand for?

LDGP = Low drag general purpose
GP = General purpose
LL = Low level
CB = cluster bomb
EP = Electronic Pod

I want to express big thanks to the modders including Ravenclaw_007, Crusader, and others who worked hard on overhauling the weapons for SF2.  They are what gives SF2 enriched experiences in combat.

Now next report, here is screenshots of F-104C:





In SFCE, all F-104s use high-quality cockpit from the F-104 megapack.  The radar scope is tweaked to match TW style for default SFCE.  As mentioned previously, the proper radar scope texture and colors will be included in the SFCE Avionics overhaul. 




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