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Date Advance Question

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I started a new career including pilot training. It happens to be winter, so training flights get cancelled frequently, however the date doesn't seem to advance at all. The only thing that is advancing is the time, one game minute for every real-time minute. I have selected Campaign Date Advance both Auto and Manual/Auto with no effect. Is it not possible to advance the date during training or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any help.

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In the bottom right area of the Campaign screen you will se a T+ key, which when pushed will give you four options, the first is next mission (default) which you are probably pushing, but you are also given the choice of 1 Day, 1 Week, and 1 month, click the one you want and accept it and your time should advance.

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I am familiar with Campaign screen you mention, however, that isn't the screen that I get. This is the screen I have:



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Yes, that is correct. I started a new career including flight training. However, it doesn't appear to let you advance the date if the flights are cancelled due to bad weather. So now you're stuck in this loop where flying is cancelled for that day, the date doesn't advance, so every time you try to fly it keeps saying the weather is too bad to fly. The only way around this is to change the settings to allow flying in bad weather and then actually fly in it, just to get the game to advance. I'm wondering if the devs are aware that you cannot advance the date during training.

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Can you access the Campaign menu from the main menu with this pilot? If you can, try advancing the campaign date in that menu and see if it advances the day for your trainee. 

If not, it sounds like the weather changes introduced in the Recon wars patch may have created a problem for training missions. You may have to skip training until this is fixed. 

Edited by BuckeyeBob

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I think it should not affect training at all really, as those missions are the days you did go up to train.  Thanks for reporting.

goose814 doesn't have to skip training as he has a workaround to change Workshop to allow flying in bad weather. 

Edited by Polovski

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  On 6/21/2022 at 7:53 PM, Polovski said:

goose814 doesn't have to skip training as he has a workaround to change Workshop to allow flying in bad weather. 

I meant to say that! :lol:

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  On 6/21/2022 at 6:05 PM, BuckeyeBob said:

Can you access the Campaign menu from the main menu with this pilot? If you can, try advancing the campaign date in that menu and see if it advances the day for your trainee. 

If not, it sounds like the weather changes introduced in the Recon wars patch may have created a problem for training missions. You may have to skip training until this is fixed. 

No, I don't get the normal pilot campaign menu while in training. The above photo is the only thing that comes up. I'll just stick to flying in the muck when I have to.

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Oh and you could set weather to AI weather Gen rather than historical and see if that gives you better weather to carry on.

We'll hopefully look into it anyway.

Edited by Polovski

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Basically the weather is very bad in from 1 Jan 1917 for about 10 days. We have fixed it so it will advance a day in training when bad weather cancels, but it will still take you a few clicks through all that heavy snow days with historical weather on!

V1.32 will have the fix - not ready to release yet though.

The two workarounds are to use AI weather Generation option in Workshops rather than Historical Weather. Or to set Bad Weather Cancels Flights to Optional (or no) so you can fly anyway in the bad weather.



Edited by Polovski

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  On 6/22/2022 at 4:17 PM, Polovski said:

Basically the weather is very bad in from 1 Jan 1917 for about 10 days. We have fixed it so it will advance a day in training when bad weather cancels, but it will still take you a few clicks through all that heavy snow days with historical weather on!

V1.32 will have the fix - not ready to release yet though.

The two workarounds are to use AI weather Generation option in Workshops rather than Historical Weather. Or to set Bad Weather Cancels Flights to Optional (or no) so you can fly anyway in the bad weather.



Thanks very much for the heads-up and yes, the workaround to fly in the bad weather isn't so bad. There have been a few good days in there to fly as well. I've only had to fly during a snow storm twice.

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You may be interested in an update I made to the historical weather that reduces the chances of flying in heavy rain or snow, since pilots were not likely to fly in such conditions during the Great War. The mod also breaks up some of the extremely long stretches of bad weather, so you are more likely to have occasional short breaks of good weather, even during the terrible weather conditions of 1916 and 1917. 

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  On 6/24/2022 at 3:44 AM, BuckeyeBob said:


You may be interested in an update I made to the historical weather that reduces the chances of flying in heavy rain or snow, since pilots were not likely to fly in such conditions during the Great War. The mod also breaks up some of the extremely long stretches of bad weather, so you are more likely to have occasional short breaks of good weather, even during the terrible weather conditions of 1916 and 1917. 

Thank you, I'll try it out. Where can I find it at?

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Of course if you change historical weather it then becomes more sudo historical of course  - tricky.


Edited by Polovski

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True, Pol, but I think my mod does a pretty good job of incorporating new information (where available) about historical weather conditions, as well as doing a better job of reducing unrealistically long stretches of overcast and rainy weather that still exists in the base game. Although I would have to check to be sure, I believe there are several uninterrupted stretches of rainy and overcast weather in the base game that can last for as long as two or three weeks straight. This can be very monotonous. My update shortens some of these long stretches by a day or two or inserts a day or two of relatively better weather to break this up a bit--unless there is historical data that contradicts this, in which case I have left it alone.

Therefore, almost all of my changes were made on days for which historical weather information is still unavailable--at least for me, anyway! Of course, I will be more than happy to change my mod if and when more accurate historical information becomes available. 

Goose, you can find a link to the mod on Shandbagger's hosting site here: Wings Over Flanders Fields - Ultimate Edition (User Mods) (thatoneplease.co) 

Please note there are two versions. The version you are looking for is version 1.5. The other version is for users of my Optional Cloud mod. However, you can use either one. 

Edited by BuckeyeBob

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