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Latest VSN F-104 mod version released.

Includes now the NF-104.

Video featuring repaints by me.



Edited by Soulfreak
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This adds the new cockpit, but the real upgrade comes when it is converted into a stand-alone mod like the F-4B.

Unfortunately, progress is slow and the development team lacks the manpower and skillset to make these two mods as realistic/accurate as the A-4E-C.

But when you compare where they started to where they are now, it is a giant step forward and comparable to the earliest iterations of the A-4E-C.

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These VSN mods are getting better and better. And the planes they make are awesome and very welcome in the DCS enviroment. I love those cold war era jets.


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I spent some time flying the new release last night. The main problem I have is the Flaming Cliffs radio implementation. There is a button for toggling the level of comms, but the default is to pick up every radio transmission. Even using the minimum comms setting, navigation beacons blare constantly with no way to reduce the volume. Aside from that, it was fun to fly despite any inaccuracy in the flight model. It is a huge step up from the original release that used the F-15C cockpit and it is a decent step above the first dedicated cockpit release.

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@Soulfreak I just wanted to say the skins you did are outstanding!

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