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A Bitter truth

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i've been dealing with a black screen issue for a while now, looked up some old forums and none of them seemed to fit and i thought that i would never find the answer

Turns out, my laptop cant rlly handle an SF2 Merge containing more than 70-80Gigs of this game

In short: My potato PC is gonna have to  make me choose on either 80s era graphics. Or A limit to the ammount of mods i can put on it
Looks like im going to have to save up to buy a new Gaming PC to replace this one afterall

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Even Imperial Star Destroyer or Trekkies USS Enterprise Computing Procs sometimes crashed handling this game in certain condition.. let alone Office Laptop. 

- Split your Mod into A few parts.. Like SF2 Nam, Europe,  Afghanistan ect. in separate Mod. and copy only certain objects, effects, weapons you might need according time and maps in it.  It took some space of your HD Disk and your desktop shortcut icons.. but loading time are more faster. 
- Few Environment Mod also has big file size.. Rain, Dust, Desert dust cloud, fog, also could causing system black out.. Stock SF Environment System feels outdated, but still playable and nice too. 
- Re-Scaling the skins of some aircrafts,  Ground Objects, Weapons,.. some Mod are uploaded with HD texture, say 4028 x 4028 bitmap/DDS.  try lowering it to 1024 x1024 jpg.
- Some Map ground tile textures also has 1024 x 1024 BMP/JPG pixel.. try lowering it to 512 x 512 (Make sure you make or have back up.. it possible you experiences some tiles are uneven or revert to original SF)
- Set your Graphics to High, and try lowering some parts, like effects, Ground object texture, detail, shadow and so on until you feel best maximum setting for your current set up.
- Store to Cloud Storage or Portable Hard disk, if you have any Folder  named "HOMEWORKS" but has over 240GB file size and has some "Foreign letters and words" in it and fully locked and encrypted.   

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Black aircrafts? Not enough RAM. My problem gone after i add  4GB to my 8GB. 12 GB is enoug for any mod.

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full on high, but i did set the water to low, effects to medium, along a few others ig

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Not exactly, the game just wont enter the moment the ram limit's reached basically 

Edited by LilLucy

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