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i´m working on a GPU-2A gun pod and as usual i´m searching pictures , in this case pictures of the rear part , i found one of a GPU-2A on a Bronco showing 2 handles on the rear part 



but know i found the NAVAIR 11-95GPU-2A-1 showing some ribs on the right rear , and i found a video of that gun pod showing that the right rear is an access door for the battery , that door can be rotatet by 180 deg. so that you have full access to the battery




the second pod with the rotating access door is a Navy version , question is what is the pod with the 2 handles on the rear ??? is it a Marine or Air Force version or a specific version for the Bronco ??? by the way on the first pod with the 2 handles you have to remove the complete rear cover to get access to the battery like you can see on the picture below

if any body has an idea what version the pod with the 2 handle is an if it was used may be with the Marine or Air Force would be very helpful



Edited by ravenclaw_007
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This are screenshots from WarThunder game, but i think they are pretty correct.







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20 minutes ago, Gepard said:

This are screenshots from WarThunder game, but i think they are pretty correct.

nope the rear part of the GPU-2A is wrong , there are only 3 ribs on the right rear battery access panel not 8 like they have it , with this 8 ribs you can not rotate/open the access panel any more

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On the other hand, it seems to be, that tehere were different versions of the gunpod.

 If i look on this photo of a GPU-2A used by an A-4 Skyhawk, then i see no ribs at the end.


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32 minutes ago, Gepard said:

then i see no ribs at the end.

ribs are on the other side of the pod  (right side of access doors) - when opened ribs are on the left side - as Ravenclaw mentioned earlier.


20 hours ago, ravenclaw_007 said:

video of that gun

the first picture here pod under Pony (and one with guys tinkering with the pod - that blurred one) - if I remember correctly is from 1972 China Lake tests - maybe this is some early version, while the production model (Martin Marietta) used rotating doors? - (I saw that video that you are referring to)

So far no luck in my references...


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44 minutes ago, Gepard said:

On the other hand, it seems to be, that tehere were different versions of the gunpod.

 If i look on this photo of a GPU-2A used by an A-4 Skyhawk, then i see no ribs at the end.

that is not correct , the GPU-2A in that picture is from the Navy and on the left side you dont have the ribs , the ribs are only on the battery access door on the right side, i collored the door red so you can see it better and check the 2 picture above who are showing how to open the door by rotating it by 180 deg.

left side view


right side view


view from behind


access door red


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