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No worries, this is just a free discussion session.


So basically, I was recently testing the WIP cockpit features.

And in a flight, I'm staring at my fuel indicator,looks like I'm using less than 25% of the fuel I'm carrying,


I said to myself:

"Oh good, I can travel the whole pacific. "


Then....... my wingman said:

"Two's bingo fuel!"


"You what?!"


A WTF situation happened.



Lol,so, as far as I know, the AI does use a different flight and combat system than the player-controlled aircraft,like they are in easy mode. 

And even they say "bingo fuel" ,they will still fly through the whole pacific, in this case I just wondering what push them to say "bingo fuel"? Like in my view,we are far from bingo.


Besides that, I want to hear some interesting AI behaviors from you too haha.:lol:

Edited by simonmiller416
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Making the plane use up all its fuel is not an easy task in this game.

For me, the most frustrating thing about AI is when the plane starts flying in circles.  Circle after circle without fireing in case it have AG guided weapon. Or guided bombs. I made a trick for myself using JSGME.exe program which make AG guided weapon unguided but with some features  which I looked at Guuruu's inis.

Another disappointing moment is when your escort sticks to any Shilka and loaded with a dozen AA missiles all commit suicide against this Shilka trying to kill it,  at a time when you are attacked by bandits. Appeal to reason using TAB menu or call help in this situation is completely useless.

Knowing these issue, sometimes I want to laugh and arrange funny fights using the mission editor.

There is also such a issue of the game that when you choose the CAS mission, the enemy aircraft, no matter what AA missiles it is armed with, will attack ground targets until it uses up all its weapons. And only after that he will pay attention to you. I sometimes fly nearby and watch the enemy attack. Sometimes I shoot off something from him, for example, a tail, or aileron and I watch how he hardly tries to attack tanks and I laugh. I mock him. But one day, not expecting resistance at all, I suddenly received a missile from such an aircraft. But that was once.

And I also really like to arrange a helicopter fight. 50 Mi-24s versus 50 Mi-24s. Only they need to specify the role of fighter instead of Attack and add Sweep and arm AA-8 and AA-11. The fights are amazingly funny. Especially when they got out of missiles, they begin to rotate their cannon turrets and pour bullets at each other

By the way 25% it is "bingo fuel" in most normal games :biggrin: ha-ha. But not here. With bingo fuelb here you can reach the end of the universe and back twice

Edited by bazillius
addddding some strings
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The wingmen reach out of fuel, the propellers stop but the aircrafts don't slow down, and they held the formation until WP 9 to finally crash when doing the landing approach.

If you're cheating, do it til the end damn !

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4 hours ago, bazillius said:

Making the plane use up all its fuel is not an easy task in this game.

For me, the most frustrating thing about AI is when the plane starts flying in circles.  Circle after circle without fireing in case it have AG guided weapon. Or guided bombs. I made a trick for myself using JSGME.exe program which make AG guided weapon unguided but with some features  which I looked at Guuruu's inis.

Another disappointing moment is when your escort sticks to any Shilka and loaded with a dozen AA missiles all commit suicide against this Shilka trying to kill it,  at a time when you are attacked by bandits. Appeal to reason using TAB menu or call help in this situation is completely useless.

Knowing these issue, sometimes I want to laugh and arrange funny fights using the mission editor.

There is also such a issue of the game that when you choose the CAS mission, the enemy aircraft, no matter what AA missiles it is armed with, will attack ground targets until it uses up all its weapons. And only after that he will pay attention to you. I sometimes fly nearby and watch the enemy attack. Sometimes I shoot off something from him, for example, a tail, or aileron and I watch how he hardly tries to attack tanks and I laugh. I mock him. But one day, not expecting resistance at all, I suddenly received a missile from such an aircraft. But that was once.

And I also really like to arrange a helicopter fight. 50 Mi-24s versus 50 Mi-24s. Only they need to specify the role of fighter instead of Attack and add Sweep and arm AA-8 and AA-11. The fights are amazingly funny. Especially when they got out of missiles, they begin to rotate their cannon turrets and pour bullets at each other

By the way 25% it is "bingo fuel" in most normal games :biggrin: ha-ha. But not here. With bingo fuelb here you can reach the end of the universe and back twice

 Okay try to travel universe next time

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I occasionally ran out of fuel and either glide back to the nearest airfield or land right on some field. Game doesn't simulate bumpy ground regardless, so should be a loss or crash-land. Crash landings are not simulated too, right? You just explode

Never seen AI running out of fuel though

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On 8/8/2023 at 5:56 AM, simonmiller416 said:

No worries, this is just a free discussion session.


So basically, I was recently testing the WIP cockpit features.

And in a flight, I'm staring at my fuel indicator,looks like I'm using less than 25% of the fuel I'm carrying,


I said to myself:

"Oh good, I can travel the whole pacific. "


Then....... my wingman said:

"Two's bingo fuel!"


"You what?!"


A WTF situation happened.



Lol,so, as far as I know, the AI does use a different flight and combat system than the player-controlled aircraft,like they are in easy mode. 

And even they say "bingo fuel" ,they will still fly through the whole pacific, in this case I just wondering what push them to say "bingo fuel"? Like in my view,we are far from bingo.


Besides that, I want to hear some interesting AI behaviors from you too haha.:lol:


If you pay close attention to wingmen, they usually accelerate and consume fuel qucikly. pay attention when engage or are dogfighting, they all use afterburner often so it's no suprise. I noticed that long time ago and , as a precaution, when i fly with 3 more wingmen, let's say, I fill their wing with some fuel. Do that and you'll see it will pay off.

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