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Blip or Throttle? How do I know?

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So from what I do know, all inline engines should have a throttle to regulate the engine speed.

Rotary Engines on the other hand often do not have a proper throttle, but can be temporarily switched off by using the Blip Switch. The inertia keeps the engine turning fro some time, while the switch is pressed. 

Now how do I know if a plane with a rotary engine has a throttle that can be used to regulate engine speed?

I´m looking at the Fokker Eindecker, and I see a lever on the right side that is moving when I move my throttle. So does that means the Eindecker has a usable throttle? Meanwhile I don´t see anything moving when I adjust the mixture. Where would that control be on the Eindecker?


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Hi Tonci, I had a post from yrs. ago regarding that topic (I also think that Burning Beard, Buckeye Bob, and other BB's commented on the topic with excellent info.) - but I can't track down the post now since it was in some obscure thread on SimHQ that got buried by other posts and info. On that note, I'll just copy out from some of my "flight notes" that I have in front of me here, for the WoFF series.


Engine Types Management (Simplified)

- very early rotaries on Bristol Scout, Fokk. E.I, Pfalz. A.I two-seater, Morane Parasol Type L (early variants before 1916) at 100% power, fine adjustment and blip for limited control

- Gnome rotaries on Camel, DH.2 at 80 or 100% power, fine adjustment and blip for limited control

- (somewhat) early rotaries such as on later series of Fokk. Eindeckers (the II and III), also the Pfalz E.III, Parasol Type L beginning with 1916, etc. at 60, 80 or 100% power, fine adjustment and blip for limited control

- all other rotaries (mid-war, late-war, etc.) at 40, 60, 80 or 100% power, fine adjustment and blip for limited control

- early inlines to about Alb. D.III and SE5, full throttle range but no fine adjustment (always full rich)

- later inlines from about Alb. D.V and SE5a Hisso onwards, full throttle range and fine adjustment available

Realistic Fuel Consumption Tips

- either use the Orbyx "fuel mod" available with JJJ's MultiMod for WoFF, or, if you prefer a static solution, set fuel to about 40% for approx. two hrs. max. flight as mostly historical (avoid 50% since it sometimes crashes WoFF, or at least did crash it during the WoFFue era)

- from Aug. 1918, for Germans, elites get 20% fuel supply since rations

- less important German units from Aug. 1918 get only 10% fuel supply




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This may help

For some remember you can use the keyboard number keys for certain percentages.  2 for 20%, 8 for 80% and so on.  Pretty much any rotary has blip.

Edited by Polovski

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This is good for me too as I can never remember! Keep in mind it is very difficult to keep formation this way as the AI seems to transit fly as if they are all inlines...

  • Thanks 1

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