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hEllo. I'm new here. I  have gone back many byears and started playing strike fighters 2. I am at the noment playing Burning Sans campaign on windows 7 32 bit and I can seem to be able to use bombs or rockets. I asigned button 2 on my extreme eD pro, it doesn't work. I've assinned the Enter key as recomended and still no joy. I did select bombs or rockets on flight, and I can see the stores under the plane. Anybody has any idea of what might be wrong?

thank you in advance


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do guns fire (with trigger and with spacebar)?

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Maybe reinstall the game? I don't think you're doing anything wrong, but sometimes the game doesn't work, and a reinstall somehow fixes it.

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Hi, thankyou. Guns fire with trigger and spacebar.  I guess I'll delete the game and install it again. I'll post results tomorrow just in case somebody else whatches the thtrad/


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Well. it didn't work. I've done the delete and install several times witn the same resoult. I'm begining to think there is something corrupt in the installed files, or something missing... If it is relevant, I did the uninstalling using Revo Uninstaller that also cleaned the registry for left over files.

The game I have is by Third wire, on windows7 32 bit, and I was able to play with no problem some years ago. Does anybody have an idea of what the problem might be? Or where to look for errrors? Thank you all.


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maybe there's an issue with the controller itself? Try calibrating it through Windows control panel . Rename or remove (renaming is better) the existing Control.ini, and let the game generate a new one after you reassign the buttons in game

that's all I can think of!


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Still not working. Update;

Again uninstalled cleaned and reinstalled. Found out windos wouldnt see the controlled. Unpluged it, shut down the computer. Unpluged the controler. Waited 3 min. Plugged it in again. Booted the computer and checked that the comtrolled was seen by the computer. Checked the all the buttons work, installed the game and still doesn'twork. I can fly fine but guns bombs and rockets don;t fire, and here is what I have in the setup controler:


Flight control    Extreme 3D pro (1) x/y

Rudder control Extreme 3D pro (1) z

            Keyboard Control Map  Default


Nex air to air weapon Extreme 3D pro (1) 5

Next air to ground weapon Extreme 3D (1) 3

fire primary guns Extreme 3D (1) 0

Fire selected weapon Extreme 3D (1) 1


The only thing I haven't done is rename the control ini as suggested because I haven't a clue where it might be, or where to look for it,

I hope somebody points me to a solution. Thank you all


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Posted (edited)

Maybe the game is confused at the assignments? I usually default to have the real trigger as Fire Primary Guns and then another (Button 2) to Fire Selected Weapon. Or it could be that maybe your stick is defectve? Or is the stick not working with SF2 only if you have another game which you use the stick?

Edited by EricJ

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within your Mods folder, you'll find the /Controls sub-folder (my example below)


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my question which i dont see stated post re install (my apologies if i missed this)

are the weapons firing with the traditional keyboard controls?


also what aircraft have you been having this issue with?  stock ones, modded ones, have you flown several types or only one or two (and whats the one or two if thats the case?)

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the other question would be (and even I forgot it...) is the aircraft controlable???

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2 hours ago, Wrench said:

the other question would be (and even I forgot it...) is the aircraft controlable???

true, although one would assume that if they are trying to shoot and drop bombs that they can get off the ground

then again, i stole the line from under seige 2: "never assume. assumption is the mother of all #^(% ups"

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Hi, to aanswer

Yes, the aircraft is controllable.

Flying stock Skyhawk not moded.

Using keyboard commands don.t fire guns or deploy bombs and rockets.

My version of the game is the Third Wire strait, not moded.

Below is a grab of my installed files. Notice I don't have a Mod folder.




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that's not the mod folder, that's the CORE install.

Look under your saved games folder. Note the pathway in my image I posted above.

(on a side note, interesting to see the panes shifted to the right. never seen a comp in Hebrew before; which I can't even read anymore!)

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A quick update.

I don't have a  saved game folder and I figured that is  because I haven't started playing yet. I've installed and deleted the game so many times that I didn't realize that I only played a quick mission every time, so I'll start again and report.

I have to tell you that I did calibrate the joystick in Windows, and all buttons respond to input.

I do have another sim that I started to play again. European Air War (this dates me!) and \I don't have controler issues.

And yes, my computer runs win7 32 bit Hebrew verssion with english support, and in spite of the fact that I speak Hebrew fluently I still have some problems reading it, specially technical stuff because they translated everything and it is difficult sometimes to understand what a menu stans for...Oh well, we manage.

And that is all for now. Shabbath is coming and I'll shut down till saturday evening..

Thank you for your help.


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(though you won't see this for a day...)

when the game is started for the 1st time, it automatically creates the Mods folder. It's just called that; I don't remember why (been a few million years). It's always ALWAYS in the /SaveGames folder under you User ID. That's just how SF2 works.

If you look for, you will find it!!

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I'm back. Problem solved, I think.

A few minutes ago I opened the game and in the main screen I saw that there was a  date; in my case Sep 2011, and it ocurred to me that perhaps there is an update somewhere... to make it short, I found several at the third wire site. Downloade and installed update. I don't know what the problem was but the update apparently "fixed" it. Tried a quick mission and bombs drop and rockets fire again.

it is later now so tomorrow I'll try again. And being in the TW site I saw some others updates (I run now Oct 2011). Do Ikeep adding and trying or shall I  count myself lucky and leave it at that......

Thank you for your patience


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If you got the money I'd recommend the SF2: Complete though, as it is at it's current patch level, before the great disappearance of TK and Co. I don't know what updates are affected, so you may be okay with what you got. But you can get everything for 100 bucks US. But it's good it was the patch level, and not anything else.

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Thankyou EricJ, you are right. I won't tempt fate and go with what I have. As for 100$, being retired isn't hardly an option.

And I have 2 last questions if I may:

Would the game benefit from the use of NGlide?

And last, where can I find the WWI mod?

Thank you all



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