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Anyone tried the rocket lofting method that Russian and Ukrainian aircraft have routinely been seen doing over the past two years? If so, have you had any success? I really don't use rocket pods all that often so I kinda suck with them in general. Just curious if anyone has tried it with red air or blue air and managed to score any hits on an enemy tank formation or something.

If you don't know what the rocket lofting is, picture an Su-25, Mi-24, or Ka-52 flying low and level, quickly pulling back on the stick to generate a positive angle of attack, and firing off a volley of rockets while in that brief positive AoA, and then quickly descending or retreating to stay low and avoid hostile AAA and SAMs. Here's a couple videos of it being done. I believe it's done to get more range out of the rockets.




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It is an old tactic for soviet combat helicopters. I found it in a tactical document of the East German Army. It is called "Angriff aus dem Hochziehen" (attack while pull up).

The pilots did not loved this kind of attack, because the helicopters had no aiming device for it. The tactics said, that you need a two ground controllers on the ground. Or two orientation points. The line between the two points or controllers marks the flightpath. When reaching the second point you must pull up to a specific angle, with a specitic speed and start firing the unguided rockets. This had to be done very accurate. If not the rockets hit anything else, but not the target. Even the wind direction and wind speed must be in the calculation.

A direct hit on a small target, like a tank is nearly impossible. Areal targets can be hit with a certain degree.

After the pull up maneuver it was orderd to fire masses of flares, dive down and go over to very low flight level. And run away.

In SF2 world you will see no or less success with this kind of attack.

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Posted (edited)

You are basically a very inaccurate artillery piece while trying this.

Stick to diving fire.

Edited by Righteous26

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SF2 engine allows only for unlimited CCIP - meaning that it will show the point of impact no matter the distance to it.Things like limited rangefinding distance or HUD limits are not present in the game. This works both for rockets and bombs.

What this means in game that you can simply align your CCIP with target box and fire, distance notwithstanding. Rockets will land close to the target

Works only if you had CCIP enabled in avionics.ini

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6 hours ago, Gepard said:

It is an old tactic for soviet combat helicopters. I found it in a tactical document of the East German Army. It is called "Angriff aus dem Hochziehen" (attack while pull up).


Gepard your personal knowledge of Soviet and Warsaw Pact tactics and doctrine is truly appreciated.

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