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Hello everyone,

I am  re-creating the posts after hte ideas came up about the name of proejcts and what it is about.  This project is to be known as  SF2 Avionics Community Pack (SF2:ACP for short), because the purpose of this projects is to create the assets for anyone to usse  for our mods, as well for customizing our SF2 installation.  You will need to put them into aircraft folder and customize the .ini   files, in order, for them to appear in-game.

This is what I find so enjoayble and I noticed that not many simulation does this.  This s project aims to bring the realistic, immersive expereicnes in cockpits with actual textures for radar scope, RWR, HUD, and any avionics that is currently moddable in SF2 and aircraft mods.

I will exlpain the limitation of SF2 engine, so we can get better pictures of what we can and can't do for now.  I said "for now, is becauuse I have the hope htat someday, somehow, someone manage to make it possible to make avioincs further moddable in SF2.

1) Texture issues:  What can be done is chan ging radar scope texture.  But the problem is that, the radar symbols / lines colors can not be changed.  We are stuck with default green SF2 radar symbosl /lines / circles.  And eve with new textures, the radar lines / symbols/ shapes will be applied on top of it.  So it mean, if you have 'black line' on top of radar scope like A-4s as an exampe, the radar still overlap it.  

Another issues is that, most of SF2 default aircraft does not have texture-able radar scope for 'turned off' radar, so it seem strange how CRT (texture) would suddenly show up when turnig radar on. I wished that the radar scope woudl be texture-able, so that it seem taht only radar lines / symbols / shapes would appear, therefore preserving the immersive experiences.

2) Lighting, after attempting to use the actual colors of radar scope based on the pictures, as an example,  they usually show upup too bright comnpared ot another instructments / avionics in cockpit. So they need to be darken, in order to blend naturall in cockpits.  And another issue is radar colors of green, it need to be readable, therefore further darken the texture.  So they might will appear  darker compared to the photo.  (I am currenlty wokring on this part on both F-89s and A-4s radar scope and RWR new textures).

3) Avionics DLLs, there are only two DLLs I believe, that we can use either one of Avionics DLL for early and modern aircraft.  But I still have the hope.  The reason why I have hope is because, I am part of the community that is modding Jane's series simulation.  That simulation is almost 30 years old and people still mods it.  It amazes me, therefore gives me hopes.

Besides the lmitation, it does not stop us from wanting to create the mods that would improve the experiences in avioincs.  What inspired me to do this, I was customizing SF2 installation for early cold war era (My favorite era), in Asia, midddle east, and other theatre, along with later cold war era, I noticed that there is always room of growth and improvement for cockpits.  That is when I came up the awy to improve F-89 series radar scope, as you can see it in another theatre abou Stary's F-89 cockpits.  Then here it is, SF2: Avionics Community Pack!

What would be great help if we can share the pictures and information on the avioinics for various planes, so we can get busy with the  avioniocs improvement.  

If anyoneo have the requests for radar scope, or any avioinics improvement, it would be great help if the resources can be provided too.

The next posts will cover what I am doing with both F-89s and A-4s  gunsights, radar scope, and rwr, along with F-89's radar scope.





Edited by Eagle114th
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THe new screnshots with F-89s and A-4s radar scop eand RWR will be posted after further adjhusting the darkness of radar scope and RWRs.


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F-89 Radar scope, it is no longer too bright in cockpits and is readable.  Feedback is always helpful, so should I make radar scope a bit darker?



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A-4's new radar scope, RWR, and gunsight

I am stil researching on the different RWR variants of A-4s have used.  The texture of RWR is based on the pictures of AN/APR-23, it can be found here:  https://phantomphacts.blogspot.com/p/usn-ew-equipment.html

I realized that the RWR may seem too bright, so I am re-working on the colors of RW and darken it (Due to SF2 lighting rendering system).

And in the future, if anyone found more pictures avionics and requires re-texture, I am more than happy to do it, if time permits.


Edited by Eagle114th
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Helloe veryone!

It have been very interesting projets working on gunisghts for K-14, A-1CM and A-4 sued by various aircraft in late 40s to 60s.  What led me into looking for the information, I was looking for the type of gunsight F-89s used, it is quite challenging to find.  What I found out is that F-89A to C uses A-1CM gunsight.  (Please correct me if I am wrong).

I am still researching on F-89D, H, and J model on the radar-guide sight they use.  If anyonoe have information and pictures for me.  Pleae post it here.

the gunsight from excelent Korea war gunsight reticle is being reworked with specific color, as was done for A-4 Skyhawk.  Here are screenshot (the blue background is added on purpose, so you can see what it looks like when using it in SF2):

K-14 (I am uncetain about the diamond outer of center. From whaat I have seen, they are either short and wide or/and thin and long. So please post feedbck on this)


Next is A-1CM Radar aided gunsight


Finally, here are two of A-4 Radar Aided gun reticles



The templates that is used to create the gunsights will be provided in the first releae of SF2: ACP, so anyone can use it to use.


Edited by Eagle114th
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The gunisght used by A-1 and A-4 are further polished and they appear to be bit brghter compared to USAF gunsigh.


(To anyone who know which Mark gunsight it is, please let me know.  I am gathering the information on each gunsight type used by various aircraft.)


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Hello everyone!

F-8 Crusader avionics are being worked on now.  Here is updated Mark 11 gunsight


And the leading symbols also match the colors of Mark 11 gunsight


The radar scope texture is being worked on.  When they are completed, the screenshot in F-8s will be posted.


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Hello everyone!

It have been long days gathering the information on F-8s and F-89s cockpit, gunsight, FCS / Radar scope / screen, etc...

To my surprise, F-89 is quite very interestinga nd complciated inthe evolution of avionics.  This is why I find late 40s to 70s avionics to be most interesting!

What I realized is that (Always feel to correct me if I make mistakes from my finding on specific aircraft avionics), is that F-89D to J did not have gunsight, unlike early series (F-89A to C).  And that F-89A to C uses A-1C(M) gunsight which is same used in early series of F-86s.  however, the F-86D and later uses more advanced Hughes FCS (Fire control System) that no longer reply on seperated radar.  For example, F-89A and B uses Hughes E-1 FCS with AAN/APG-33, then F-89D use improved E-4 FCS with AN/APG-40 radar and AN/APA-84 computer.  Then F-89D uses E-6 FCS ,.  F-89H operated with E_9, evnetualy E-9 get get further imprpoved and modified, therefore became MG-12 for F_89J.

now the biggest question , how do we 'simulate' E-6, E-9, and MG-12 in SF2? That's the question.

However, for F-89A to C, it have some challenges.  I want to figure out how to simulate their system.

However, at the same time, managed to find the pictures of F-8s cockpit with differnt radar upgrades.  The biggest challenge is that most pictures are in black / white, which mean I can not tell which color it is exactly.  So I am using an educaated guesses, based on finding the colorized picture I cn find and find the pattern in radar scope color.  I want to make sure I have the accurate colors.

However, here are screenshot of F8U-1 / F-8A with new Mark 11 Mod 7 gunsight reticles:


The radar scope texture is being worked on for F-8 series too.


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Hello everyone!

Based on the manual and the picture of F_8B cockpit:


Here is in--game screen shot with new texture for radar scope:|

(NOTE: I sincerely apologize, I forgot to mention that I am using the excelelnt radar texture from both SF2 (TW) and dtmdragon F-8 packs as base for radar overhaul for all variants of F8U / F-8.)




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Please note, I cam not use exact acccurate color becasue if I do, , it appear too bright inside the cockpit.  Realistically, the radar scope does not glow in cockpit, only the radar symbols that is being displayed through radar scope screen right?  By nature of how lighting / darkness work in SF2 cockpit, had to darken the original texture.

Here is an example, if I do not darken the radar scope texture:


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I am continuing to re-adjust the color to try to bring it closer to actual F_8 radar screen color. I would like to request for feedback on this please.


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(NOTE: I am using the excelelnt radar texture from both SF2 (TW) and dtmdragon F-8 packs as base for radar overhaul for all variants of F8U / F-8.)


Here is picture of F-8D cockpits and radar scope from flight manual:

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Hello everyone,

After a long time searching for informaiton that is quite cahllenging to find;  The optical sight used by F-89D and later varaint (?).  From what I learned, F-89A to C uses A-1C(M) gunsight while F-89D had gunsight removed and replaced by N-9 optical sight while having E-6 FCS, AN/APG-40 radar, and cAN/APA-84 computer installed.  

Here is information about N-9 Sight from flight manual:


Based on the information about recticle, there is still no information on the colors. so I amusing the standard recticle color used by various gunsight for now as placeholder.  Here is rectile:


Please let me know if it looks right.



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as for F-89 work, i wish you a  great amount of luck

you gotta figure the ones that trully know are either niche super fans of the aircraft or crewed it and are now in their 70s or 80s.

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I had already prepared a 20,000-word paper when I saw Avionics, and then I realized I knew nothing about this period.:rofl:

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Hello everyone!

THe work on A-1s, A-4s, and F-8s series are now completed.  I am currently re-working on F-89s series, I would like to share what I have learned about F-89s which opens me to the world of an  avionics. 

Here is a table created as reference to the avionics used by each variants of F-89s:


For quick summary, F-89A to C uses Hughes E-1 FCS along with An/APG-33 radar and A-1C(M) gunsight.

F-89D, in other hand, uses improved E-6 FCS with AN/APG-40 plus An/APA-84 computer .  It is quite advanced for the time  when F-89D aws in operational. It contains the automatic firing solution  It also contains the N-9 optical sighthead, which replaces A-1C(M).

F-89H uses more advanced E-9 FCS, which also have the tasks of radar and comptuer embedeed in it (Correct me if I am wrong though).  I am currenlty am seeking for the flight manula known as T.O. 1F-89H-1A (note, letter 'A" front of number 1 to be specific), whichi proven ot be very challenging to find.  If anyone have it, please PM me.  I need that, along with T.O. 1F-89J-1A, both flight manual contains information about the E-9 and MG-12 FCS, M169 optical sighthead, and armament, which would be great help for F-89 mod projects.

Finally, what i learned about Hughes MG-12 is that, it is modified version of E-9 FCS.

Next, here is interesting pat aabout the difference between E-1 and E-6 FCS and the radar scope;

This is part of E-1 + An/APG-33


Next, this is radar scope from E-6 RCS + AN/APG-40 + AN/APA-84


Notice that E-6 version does not have long 'line' since it have radar horizontal line and other symbols appearing through that scope.

However, I do not have more details on E-9 and MG-12 though.  So I plan on using E-6's scope as placeholder for E-9 and possibly MG-12..

Here is what is recenlty discovered from F-89J flight manual that shows the cockpits with MG-12:


I do not know the exact color it iss though.  This is why I am continuing to do deep digging on the cockpit images and information on E-6, E-9, and MG-12 FCS, along with the optical  sighthead, so more accurate reticles can be created for N-9 and M-169 for F-89H and  J in SF2

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Hello everyone!

It have been quite busy and interesting research about the old radars. The specs and detailsa bout old radars, such as AN/APG-33 and another are  challenging to ffind. I had to use an educated guess after finding a few specs on it, especially when readinga bout the sexperiecnes of pilots with AIM-4s and other ordiannces.

This is E-1 + AN/APG-33 which is even older compared to Hughes E-9 FCS.  According to P-89 manual, the radar range can be switched between 30,000 and 25,000 yards I believe.  Therefore the avionics file was open and it requires a lot of thinking and researching.  the very last resort I can use after being uanble to find further details on AN/APG-33 is war thunder information, such as radar search angle limitation and other data.

I am continuing to improve the semi-realism experience with old radar and it is not perfect.  At least, the radar is not as powerful as F-4 radar.

WHat I did with avionics:

Tweaked the setting of radar, reduced range to 12 and 15 nm, made the radar search power not as powerful as F-4, takes longer time to search then track, along with another changes.  The radar symbols werre-adjusted so there are far fewwer symbols, and no horizontal bar until F-89D with E-6 and AN/APG-40.

When F-89s, F-8s, A-4s, and A-1s are finalized, will release the first version of beta.



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UPDATE: To my surprise, there is a way to add radar cluster effects for early cold wawr aircraft radr with does not have "lok down" capability.  I am experimenting with it:


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      View File SF2 Avionics Community Pack (SF2: ACP) - Alpha v0.3
      Welcome to SF2: ACP first release of alpha.  Before I explain about the pack, I want to express big thank to the wonderful communities and modders of Combatace and Combat Flight Sim Tavern (Discord), including Thirdwire for the simulation.
      You all are the reasons why this pack exists.  I want to use the passions to improve SF2 into higher levle with avionics.
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      NOTE #2: As mentioned in note #1, due to little resources (Information / data) on early cold war era radar, at least half or most of tweaks are based on an educated guess. For exampe, AN/APG-33 radar that is used with E-1 FCS in F-89B and C, there are some data on it, but no data on elevator nor azimuth angle limitation.  
      ----------------------- TEMPLATES ------------------------
      There are templates for gunsight, radar, RWR, and another type of avionics assets.  It is there so anyone can use it to create their own avionics for any aircraft. You will see the folder:
      Please note, the standard size created for radar and gunsights;
      For Radar scope, it is 1024 x 1024.
      For gunsight, it comes in two sizes:
      512 x 512 (For MIL 80 to higher MIL)
      256 x 256 (For MIL 70 to lower MIL)
      ----------------- HISTORICAL VS FICTIONAL ----------------
      Avionics overhaul for Historical vs fictional aircraft
      I am dong overhaul for both historical and 'what if' fictional aircraft.
      For example, in this alpha version, there are avionics overhaul for F-8A to F-8K, along with France F_8s.  It also includes 'what if' JASDF F-8EJ Crusader. 
      ---------------------- INSTALLATION ----------------------
      There are readme inside each aircraft folder, please read the instruction to install the mods.
      ----------------------- CHANGE LOGS ----------------------
      v0.01 - First release of SF2: ACP
      v0.02 - Includes avionics overhaul for A-1s, A-4s, F-8s, F-89s, and MiG-15s
      v0.03 - MAJOR updates, 
          > gunsight and radar are now in higher resolution.
          > Tweaked cockpit panning angles
          > Tweaked night lights for night mission
          > New texture to add 'Old CRT' effect to early cold war aircraft's DTV
      ----------------- CURRENT / FUTURE PLANS -----------------
      I am currently workong on F-86s series before moving on the next aircraft.  If you have any feedback or request for aircraft avionic overhaul, please post in CombatAce forum discussion:
      ------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------
      I want to give big thanks to the people who have suported me, helped me with the project, shared the books, mods, information, and gave me the advice on various aircraft avionics, especially giving me the feedbck.  I also want to thank to the modders for the excellent mods that makes SF2 the greater sims. I use the various mods as part of this projects too.
      Thank you dtmdragon, Stary, Wrench, FANATIC MODDERS, KJakker, Crusader, Gunfighter6, Nightfall, Centurian (Outlaw), USNRaptor, and the rest of awesome fellow people of Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern!
      I also want to credit the great works of the developer teams who develops Wing over Korea, The Mirage Factory for great quality cockpits and other files, and the great communities from Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern.
      Finally, Thakn you Thirdwire (TK) for the Strike fighter 2 simulation.
      To anyone who is missing from the credit part, please let me know ASAP. I will update the credit page.
      Thank you for enjoying the mods!

      Eagle114th / Flowing Dragon
      Submitter Eagle114th Submitted 11/15/2024 Category Avionics  
    • By Eagle114th
      Welcome to SF2: ACP first release of alpha.  Before I explain about the pack, I want to express big thank to the wonderful communities and modders of Combatace and Combat Flight Sim Tavern (Discord), including Thirdwire for the simulation.
      You all are the reasons why this pack exists.  I want to use the passions to improve SF2 into higher levle with avionics.
      This requires a lot of research, reading flight manual, and tons of tweaking in avioincs and cockpit ini, along with countless of testing in-flight in SF2.
      The mods is not perfect, we do our best with the mods.  We do it with the joys of our hobbies!
      This pack includes the following features:
      - New gunsight / optical sight
      - New texture for radar scope and another avionic equipment (See note #1)
      - Improved cockpit and radar through cockpit and avionics ini tweaks for semi-realism (See note #2)
      - Templates for gunsight, radar, TV, and other avionics
      - Improves glass texture (If possible)
      - Accessibility - Optional, includes the AAM firing cue on gunsight for people who can not hear the sounds of missile locking on targets.
      - Improved night lights inside cockpits
      - Tweaks to the view angle around cockpit
      NOTE #1: Due to the nature of lighting system inside cockpit in SF2 engine, I had to apply the darkness level on top of texture scope, in order, to prevent them from glowing.  In templates, you will see "darkness" layer for this reason.
      NOTE #2: As mentioned in note #1, due to little resources (Information / data) on early cold war era radar, at least half or most of tweaks are based on an educated guess. For exampe, AN/APG-33 radar that is used with E-1 FCS in F-89B and C, there are some data on it, but no data on elevator nor azimuth angle limitation.  
      ----------------------- TEMPLATES ------------------------
      There are templates for gunsight, radar, RWR, and another type of avionics assets.  It is there so anyone can use it to create their own avionics for any aircraft. You will see the folder:
      Please note, the standard size created for radar and gunsights;
      For Radar scope, it is 1024 x 1024.
      For gunsight, it comes in two sizes:
      512 x 512 (For MIL 80 to higher MIL)
      256 x 256 (For MIL 70 to lower MIL)
      ----------------- HISTORICAL VS FICTIONAL ----------------
      Avionics overhaul for Historical vs fictional aircraft
      I am dong overhaul for both historical and 'what if' fictional aircraft.
      For example, in this alpha version, there are avionics overhaul for F-8A to F-8K, along with France F_8s.  It also includes 'what if' JASDF F-8EJ Crusader. 
      ---------------------- INSTALLATION ----------------------
      There are readme inside each aircraft folder, please read the instruction to install the mods.
      ----------------------- CHANGE LOGS ----------------------
      v0.01 - First release of SF2: ACP
      v0.02 - Includes avionics overhaul for A-1s, A-4s, F-8s, F-89s, and MiG-15s
      v0.03 - MAJOR updates, 
          > gunsight and radar are now in higher resolution.
          > Tweaked cockpit panning angles
          > Tweaked night lights for night mission
          > New texture to add 'Old CRT' effect to early cold war aircraft's DTV
      ----------------- CURRENT / FUTURE PLANS -----------------
      I am currently workong on F-86s series before moving on the next aircraft.  If you have any feedback or request for aircraft avionic overhaul, please post in CombatAce forum discussion:
      ------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------
      I want to give big thanks to the people who have suported me, helped me with the project, shared the books, mods, information, and gave me the advice on various aircraft avionics, especially giving me the feedbck.  I also want to thank to the modders for the excellent mods that makes SF2 the greater sims. I use the various mods as part of this projects too.
      Thank you dtmdragon, Stary, Wrench, FANATIC MODDERS, KJakker, Crusader, Gunfighter6, Nightfall, Centurian (Outlaw), USNRaptor, and the rest of awesome fellow people of Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern!
      I also want to credit the great works of the developer teams who develops Wing over Korea, The Mirage Factory for great quality cockpits and other files, and the great communities from Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern.
      Finally, Thakn you Thirdwire (TK) for the Strike fighter 2 simulation.
      To anyone who is missing from the credit part, please let me know ASAP. I will update the credit page.
      Thank you for enjoying the mods!

      Eagle114th / Flowing Dragon

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