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Possibly to someone this post will seem unnecessary, but that's the way things are... who lives in an economic paradise to share with us the tip and we change the issue by massive purchase of airline tickets...  

Certainly the world has been in an economic crisis for a long time and it is not strange that the crisis hits even our beloved meeting point, my proposal is that we put aside the differences and contribute ideas that sustain the site beyond the economic capabilities to afford or not to afford a subscription.

My proposal focuses on 3 points:

  • Rates
  • Contribution
  • Diffusion

Fees: I see that the real problem of the 10 dollars (for example) is not simply if I don't have it to pay now, but if I do I can't assure you 10 dollars every month... while the monthly fee if it could be reconsidered a value less we could many access to a more lasting fee to contribute over time.

Contribution: The contribution of material could be an alternative way out for members who contributed or contribute to the site, whether we like it or not without new material the site loses interest, and thanks to the material new subscriptions will be encouraged.

Diffusion: The diffusion of the site will be key to attract new subscriptions. Every member can support the diffusion of the site in social networks or related communities, this could have incentives such as prizes either in subscription quotas or access to exclusive material.

Alternatively, you can also make a space of exclusive material for subscriber customers, which can eventually be released over time but guaranteeing early access in exchange for subscription. 

You can also grant free access to certain material on the site, in an effort to be promotional and allow new users to get to know and promote the site based on their experience.
Extended accounts can be raffled among subscribers of the same more economical accounts.

You can raffle courses or tutorials of modifications so that new users are encouraged to collaborate with new material and eventually get savings based on contributions.

It would be good if Erik could make transparent the approximate expenses required by the site just to estimate a goal to achieve with all the actions.

I have many things in my mind, but according to the time change I am getting sleepy, according to your comments I will be unlocking and remembering other ideas as well, I remain very attentive to other proposals or suggestions or constructive criticism.


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perhaps the cap on downloads could be increased to 1-2 per day .

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11 minutes ago, debmalya said:

perhaps the cap on downloads could be increased to 1-2 per day .

Unfortunately I think that will land Erik back in the same position... instead of people exhausting their previous 5 downloads a day and then making duplicate accounts, they would now do it after only 1-2 downloads creating a bigger multi-account problem.

A lower download cap won't fix the problem sadly, what is needed is revenue generation to cover the operating costs.

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This is the problem concisely. If you put an obstacle in front of people, they will use every means necessary, thought of and not, to circumvent that obstacle. I call it rat in a maze syndrome if that's even proper terminology. Just like the southern border wall in the United States, if you build it twenty-five feet tall there will be a store that opens on the other side selling twenty-six feet tall ladders. If you build the same wall with a footing ten feet deep, someone will tunnel eleven feet under it. If you build the same wall fifty feet tall with an unscalable surface constructed out of concrete and rebar, someone will grow a giant sequoia tree next to it, wait fifty years and use it to scale the wall. There is no obstacle that can't be overcome, that is the genius behind brain cells. 

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 as  a fan from India

have been on combat ace for more than 15 years

faced no problems

before this ...

it is these mods that have made a decent lite flight sim special

for people like us it is not possible to pay/subscribe

will be deeply saddened if the free option is completely withdrawn

but then thanks  for all these years of fun , esp for some of the fantastic mods/modders out there  .





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Posted (edited)

It’s unnecessary to feel that bad/sad about this step, because if they don’t do it, something even sadder will happen (someday you try to log in and see a huge 404).:dntknw:

Edited by simonmiller416
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I Agree with @PeacePuma. The your ideas are good. I also suggested that mods produce new material, for example, fictional aircrafts. But someone said this is not viable. I loved the model production classes. Like me, many who want to develop their own models also need it. I think that if we start producing new material, with new ideas, Peace Puma could even be viable. I only see one problem. Thirdwire won't get in trouble for this? But the classes would be cool. As soon as I get a graphics card, I'll be able to contribute to this.


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21 hours ago, Fdino said:

 I also suggested that mods produce new material, for example, fictional aircrafts. ...

here's the problem with that

the modders share things they wanted to see in game. rarely do they make things solely because others want them (and that most often happens on the mega collaborations like ODS30AE)

if others like it. yay!  if not, well they still created something in game that they wanted to see.

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