About This File
Readme for the Northrop 2 seater aircraft.
********************************* Version 2.0 Release ********************************
This release combines all previous Northrop 2 seaters into one package and updates them to Jun 2010 standards. Only aircraft not included is T-38C due to lack of a suitable cockpit. Several enhancements to all aircraft have been added, including available bump mapping, new F-5A cockpit enhancements, various other tweaks and fixes.
Thanks to the following folks:
331KillerBee - For the skins, additional information and hanger/loadout/loading screens, SF2 weapons pack.
ChampionsVA56 - For his early T-38A paint scheme.
Deigo - For his very nice MODusaf pilot skin!
EricJ - Textures, loading screens, readme construction.
JAT81500 - For most of the avionics work on which the Saeqeh avionics are based.
JSF_Aggie - Range addition for the NATIONS.INI.
Jug - Flight evaluation and assistance.
Lexx_Luthor - For the Airshow Smoke effect for the Thunderbird T-38A (borrowed from his missile exhaust effects).
PappyChkSix - For the original skins, which unfortunately were lost when the models were remapped.
Soulfreak - Reference materials.
Sundowner - Tips, advice and help.
The Mirage Factory - For allowing me to use the cockpit, effects, damage textures and sounds from the F-5A and F-5E FM based off of Mirage Factory F-5A and F-5E.
TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
USAFMTL - For beta testing and advice.
Vampyre - Technical assistance.
Wrench - Reference materials.
To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
What you will need first:
Strike Fighters 2/Vietnam/Europe/Israel patched to Jun 2010 standards. This is not for Generation 1 ThirdWire sims.
JSF_Aggie's SF2 Series Range Terrain for the AT-38B single missions. http://combatace.com/files/file/11067-sf2-series-range/
What is in this archive:
1. This readme (duh!) and the Readme folder.
2. Effects, Objects, Sounds, Flight folder.
3. Alternate Hanger/Loading screens in the F-5B Vietnam Hanger Screens folder.
4. AT-38B missions in the Missions folder.
1. Read and understand this entire readme FIRST!
2. Copy the Effects, Objects, Missions, and Sounds folders to your SF2/V/E/I mod directory. Allow directory merging and overwrites (anything overwritten either belongs to me, is part of the SF2 Weapons Pack or is the exact same as the Mirage Factory F-5 effects and sounds).
3. Optional step: Copy the 2 files located in the F-5B Vietnam Hanger Screens directory to your mods/Objects/Aircraft/F-5B directory and overwrite.
4. Optional step: Copy the Flight folder to your SF2/V/E/I mod directory. Contains a NATIONS.INI file that changes Iran from Friendly to Enemy and adds the Range nation. If you have a modded NATIONS.INI already, you may want to insert the proper entry by hand. You will NOT need the Range NATIONS.INI.
5. Optional step: Download and install the SF2 Series Range.
6. That's it! You should see the aircraft in your selection screen.
Aircraft Information:
Consult the various readmes included here for specific variant information.
Notes and Limitations:
This uses the 'Open Cockpit' method to place the cockpit model 'inside' the external model. This also allows the ability to add flight controls to the cockpit, which originally didn't have them modeled for the F-5F. Downsides are the that during inclement weather, it will appear 'foggy' inside the cockpit.
Capable of being flown from either seat through editing of the main aircraft ini file. Simply uncomment the lines that have the seat you want to fly in, and comment out the lines with the seats you don't want to fly in. The default is the front seat.
The gunsight is new and part of the aircraft. You will not have a gunsight if you fly without a cockpit. Also, the gunsight has an ability not normally available to ThirdWire aircraft...use your thrust vectoring control to activate it (make sure your thrust vectoring control is in the neutral position before you start the mission).
The FM is reasonably 'close' to the real thing...but defaults to being 'fun' vs being 'perfect numbers'. It gives a reasonable impression on how the aircraft actually flies...but don't expect to hit all the 'numbers' perfectly.
This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part. Released IAW the freeware accords at CombatAce.
Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
10 Jul 10