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Steve T

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Everything posted by Steve T

  1. View File Volkswagen Type 82 Kübelwagen for SF2 V.1.01 Volkswagen Type 82 Kübelwagen for SF2 V.1.01 ======================================= Original model by JasonOwen found on Free3D.com https://free3d.com/3d-model/german-ww-2-car-kubelwagen-6723.html Polycount lowered and some re-texturing plus import into SF2 by me. Still a fairly high poly count for a vehicle but a lower poly model is available elsewhere if you have access. Version 1.01 update: Added a driver -- well, half a driver ;-) INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. COPY THE KUBELWAGEN FOLDER FOUND HERE INTO THE "GROUNDOBJECT" SUB-FOLDER FOUND IN YOUR INSTALL'S "OBJECTS" FOLDER. -- IF YOU'VE ALREADY INSTALLED A PRIOR VERSION OF THIS JUST OVEWRITE -- 2. EDIT YOUR TERRAIN'S "TERRAIN NAME'S_TYPES.INI" BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING AT THE END OF THE TARGET TYPES LISTED THERE [TargetType***]<=== IMPORTANT! UPDATE TO NEXT NUMBER IN SEQUENCE Name=Kubelwagen FullName=Type 82 Kubelwagen TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=10 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=Kubelwagen RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=5000.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion DestroyedModel=Jeep_Destroyed.LOD SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=100 To have the object show up in game it will need to be manually added to the various areas in the Targets list by using something like Mue's TargetAreadEditor. Could work in SF1 with some fiddling with INI files but I'm not going to try. Released under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. S! Steve T January 2018 Submitter Steve T Submitted 01/01/2018 Category Ground Object Mods  
  2. Version 1.01


    Volkswagen Type 82 Kübelwagen for SF2 V.1.01 ======================================= Original model by JasonOwen found on Free3D.com https://free3d.com/3d-model/german-ww-2-car-kubelwagen-6723.html Polycount lowered and some re-texturing plus import into SF2 by me. Still a fairly high poly count for a vehicle but a lower poly model is available elsewhere if you have access. Version 1.01 update: Added a driver -- well, half a driver ;-) INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. COPY THE KUBELWAGEN FOLDER FOUND HERE INTO THE "GROUNDOBJECT" SUB-FOLDER FOUND IN YOUR INSTALL'S "OBJECTS" FOLDER. -- IF YOU'VE ALREADY INSTALLED A PRIOR VERSION OF THIS JUST OVEWRITE -- 2. EDIT YOUR TERRAIN'S "TERRAIN NAME'S_TYPES.INI" BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING AT THE END OF THE TARGET TYPES LISTED THERE [TargetType***]<=== IMPORTANT! UPDATE TO NEXT NUMBER IN SEQUENCE Name=Kubelwagen FullName=Type 82 Kubelwagen TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=10 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=Kubelwagen RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=5000.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion DestroyedModel=Jeep_Destroyed.LOD SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=100 To have the object show up in game it will need to be manually added to the various areas in the Targets list by using something like Mue's TargetAreadEditor. Could work in SF1 with some fiddling with INI files but I'm not going to try. Released under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. S! Steve T January 2018
  3. View File Volkswagen Type 82 Kübelwagen for SF2 *DE-LURK* A small Christmas gift to the great community here keeping this game alive. Original model by JasonOwen found on Free3D.com https://free3d.com/3d-model/german-ww-2-car-kubelwagen-6723.html Polycount lowered and some re-texturing plus import into SF2 by me. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. COPY THE KUBELWAGEN FOLDER FOUND HERE INTO THE "GROUNDOBJECT" SUB-FOLDER FOUND IN YOUR INSTALL'S "OBJECTS" FOLDER 2. EDIT YOUR TERRAIN'S "TERRAIN NAME'S_TYPES.INI" BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING AT THE END OF THE TARGET TYPES LISTED THERE [TargetType***]<=== IMPORTANT! UPDATE TO NEXT NUMBER IN SEQUENCE Name=Kubelwagen FullName=Type 82 Kubelwagen TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=10 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=Kubelwagen RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=5000.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion DestroyedModel=Jeep_Destroyed.LOD SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=100 To have the object show up in game it will need to be manually added to the various areas in the Targets list by using something like Mue's TargetAreadEditor. Could work in SF1 with some fiddling with INI files but I'm not going to try. Released under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. S! Steve T December 2017 *RE-LURK* Submitter Steve T Submitted 12/21/2017 Category Ground Object Mods  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    *DE-LURK* A small Christmas gift to the great community here keeping this game alive. Original model by JasonOwen found on Free3D.com https://free3d.com/3d-model/german-ww-2-car-kubelwagen-6723.html Polycount lowered and some re-texturing plus import into SF2 by me. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. COPY THE KUBELWAGEN FOLDER FOUND HERE INTO THE "GROUNDOBJECT" SUB-FOLDER FOUND IN YOUR INSTALL'S "OBJECTS" FOLDER 2. EDIT YOUR TERRAIN'S "TERRAIN NAME'S_TYPES.INI" BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING AT THE END OF THE TARGET TYPES LISTED THERE [TargetType***]<=== IMPORTANT! UPDATE TO NEXT NUMBER IN SEQUENCE Name=Kubelwagen FullName=Type 82 Kubelwagen TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=10 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=Kubelwagen RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=5000.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion DestroyedModel=Jeep_Destroyed.LOD SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=100 To have the object show up in game it will need to be manually added to the various areas in the Targets list by using something like Mue's TargetAreadEditor. Could work in SF1 with some fiddling with INI files but I'm not going to try. Released under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. S! Steve T December 2017 *RE-LURK*
  5. IL-10 "Beast"

  6. Junkers Ju-87A-2 Stuka

  7. Version V.1.0


    "Udet-Seenotbojen" or Udet Rescue Bouy and S7-S13 Class E-boat for SF2 WW2 Battle of Britain Installs To install, copy the included Objects, Effects, Missions and Sound folders into your MOD folder and make the INI file edits described below. If you already have an E-boat in your ground objects, back it up. If you don't want a high poly E-boat model, maybe just install the Udet-bouy. Tested in a WW2 Install based on SFNA patched to June 2012 Level. You can also slip the E-boat into your Euro WWII as it is a ground object, same goes for the Udet-bouy but you will not be able to use the custom Target placement as this has been written for the Battle of Britain Terrain. All users should be prepared for longer load times as the E-boat model weighs-in at around 5.6 MB despite my poly-crunching and pruning -- the original was MUCH bigger this! If you want a smaller model, try copying and renaming LOD2 to LOD1 -- you will be missing crew, dingies and torpedos but have a smaller, but still big, file. Talking of the original, the base model that I've imported into SF2 is a fantastic 3DS Max model by Alvaro Alves of De Espona 3D Models and is released as a creation here under a Royalty Free License. The version here is very heavily edited and with mostly new textures. The Udet-bouy is my own creation. This started out as a small project to learn 3DS Max by making a low poly Udet-bouy but it kind of got out of control! So, a LOT of work for such a little object and it's big brother but worth it I think. If you're a 109 pilot with a damaged engine limping back to France, try a belly landing next to an Udet-bojen and then swim for it! Hope you like it, Steve T. February 2014
  8. File Name: Udet Rescue Bouy and S7-S13 Class E-boat for SF2 WW2 Battle of Britain Installs File Submitter: Steve T File Submitted: 28 February 2014 File Category: Patrol Craft "Udet-Seenotbojen" or Udet Rescue Bouy and S7-S13 Class E-boat for SF2 WW2 Battle of Britain Installs To install, copy the included Objects, Effects, Missions and Sound folders into your MOD folder and make the INI file edits described below. If you already have an E-boat in your ground objects, back it up. If you don't want a high poly E-boat model, maybe just install the Udet-bouy. Tested in a WW2 Install based on SFNA patched to June 2012 Level. You can also slip the E-boat into your Euro WWII as it is a ground object, same goes for the Udet-bouy but you will not be able to use the custom Target placement as this has been written for the Battle of Britain Terrain. All users should be prepared for longer load times as the E-boat model weighs-in at around 5.6 MB despite my poly-crunching and pruning -- the original was MUCH bigger this! If you want a smaller model, try copying and renaming LOD2 to LOD1 -- you will be missing crew, dingies and torpedos but have a smaller, but still big, file. Talking of the original, the base model that I've imported into SF2 is a fantastic 3DS Max model by Alvaro Alves of De Espona 3D Models and is released as a creation here under a Royalty Free License. The version here is very heavily edited and with mostly new textures. The Udet-bouy is my own creation. This started out as a small project to learn 3DS Max by making a low poly Udet-bouy but it kind of got out of control! So, a LOT of work for such a little object and it's big brother but worth it I think. If you're a 109 pilot with a damaged engine limping back to France, try a belly landing next to an Udet-bojen and then swim for it! Hope you like it, Steve T. February 2014 Click here to download this file
  9. File submitted and awaiting approval.
  10. I've noticed that these Beaus have trouble hitting moving targets, especially at sea. The following entry in the DATA INI fixed it for me: [strafeAI] RollInRange=4500.0 RollInAlt=1100.0 PullOutRange=400.0 PullOutAlt=175.0 ReleaseRange=1200.0 SecondPassRange=3500.0 SecondPassAlt=950.0 ReleaseInterval=1.0 AimPitchOffset=0.0
  11. Yes :D Thanks to Turbosquid and a lot of pain in Max. Should be ready in about...two weeks! Seriously, still got a few things to iron out but expect them sooner rather than very much later.
  12. 1941, Coastal Command Beaufighters try to end the E-boat scourge but the little blighters are fast! Fritz, man that MG34! Pity we can't really do this in game ;-) Part of something I've been working on that should see the downloads section sooner rather than later I hope.
  13. Has anyone got any tips for fixing "shadow ropes" in a Max model? The ship I'm building (OK, reverse engineering) has one. The offending 20mm cannon is rather high poly/complicated. I've tried optimizing/poly crunching but it won't go away! Thanks
  14. Thanks again for the guidance Spectre and Russo -- all fixed and closer to going out of the door to the downloads section. There were quite a few of the little blighters hiding! A very steep learning curve to be sure ;-)
  15. This outstanding co-operative work really showcases what this game engine is capable of -- fantastic!

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