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About clim995

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  1. Cold East Ground Objects Bonanza Vol.3

    the only things that will automatically populate terrains without intervention are the Trucks, SAM, AA guns, and Tanks. Things like the artillery and rocket launchers need to be manually edited in the Terrain inis to show up.
  2. the old Texas ASW from Wrench had some nice campaigns (including my favorite, confederacy 2010), I hope they someone could adapt that to the current Texas ASC.
  3. ok i just found out the AI pilots aren't hampered by avionic limitation and are able to fully utilize the max range of their missile regardless of their aircraft's radar range. is this on the difficulty setting if not, is there any workaround for this? thanks in advance!
  4. Sidewinders

    i if it was a balloon (if that is what you are referring to) with minimal thermal signature and not a high-performance combat jet with portable hell in its engine exhaust. i suppose it's excusable for the sidewinders to miss.
  5. yes i notice this only happens when i am adding new planes or modifying stuff frequently, my nato fighters 5 install that i do not mod very much is still pretty much okay.
  6. in this case, i guess it was my modded Tu-22M3 that messed the install up, as there is a TW Tu-22M3.
  7. shooting F-4s and MiGs with 21st-century BVRAAMs feels awfully like shooting an old, senile person in a retirement home lol but yeah, kills are kills. all is fair in love and war.
  8. that sounds clever as hell. you might've just saved me a lot of headache. thanks, wrench!
  9. oh well, they happen rarely enough but when they do it's quite annoying. as long as the whole settings and stuff is largely untouched, i suppose i could live with it. thanks a lot Eric!
  10. i have a strike fighters 2 modded modern-day install (i like to keep separate from the previous jet eras) but for some reason, the old base game cold war jets sometimes re-appear and i have to manually re-delete everything. it's happened quite a few times and honestly a bit annoying, is there a way to avoid this?
  11. Su-35S Flanker-E VKS

    yes the radar works 100 fine, i guess i was referring to the radar HUD on the top right corner of the screen being only plain black with the selector indicator and not having the same layout as the dashboard radar so i'm very sorry for the confusion. I've seen the same in most of the planes utilizing YEYEYE's modern Flanker cockpit so i guess it's more of that thing. But hey, as long as it works! the Flanker-E flies like an absolute charm and looks mind-blowing stunning with little details on the outside.
  12. Su-35S Flanker-E VKS

    absolutely fine and stunning work. i love the tiny bit of details in the body, it gives a lot of life to it rather than plastic-looking smooth textures, just one thing, the radar is just plain black. i think this is a bug from the modern flanker cockpit that hasn't been fixed yet. otherwise, flawless.
  13. I vaguely remember the old modern warfare campaigns the AMRAAM seems to be the king of anti-air missiles, launching at 90 nautical miles with a guaranteed kill rate combined with the superlative F-22 Raptors made a very infuriating but interesting gameplay flying REDFOR Sukhois and MiGs. I recently made a new install incorporating Menrva's F-22A and for some reason, the AMRAAM that came with it feels somewhat like an upgraded Sparrow. Pitting F-22s against F-22s, the opposing Raptor seems to be able to dodge AMRAAMs (twice), unlike the guaranteed 100% kill rate it had before (the only effective countermeasure is to hide behind a physical barrier like a mountain). Perhaps it's just me or did the performance get downgraded?
  14. Afghan SA-7 site

    welp, time for another soviet-afghan war install!
  15. oh my lord, what a beauty! such skilled craftsmanship. cheers!

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