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About TKE1028man

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Interests
    Judo, Shotokan, Sim Flying.

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    Just wanted to say hello all. I started infusions yesterday and am wiped out and somewhat a little confused but I am online-
  2. Hello all. Hope everyone is well. Just started infusions today so been a little confused on things but I am up and running

  3. New Guy hear recommended by Trotski

    Hunt for Red October
  4. I am currently working on a set up for the Velocityone HOTAS from Turtle Beach. I am working them up right now for the F14 and F18. If anyone has suggestions or needs help please let me know. I know how tedious and annoying this can be and am willing to lend whatever advice I have learned and am willing to take advice with it on setup also. It is a long process I will try to see if I can post my setups on here to help others out with this.
  5. New Guy hear recommended by Trotski

    Was at Bliss and Carson and Bosnia with them. HWB 3/3 Armored Cav
  6. New Guy hear recommended by Trotski

    Hello all, I play MSFS and DCS. I am new to all of this and my friend who is on here also (Trotski) recommended that I join up and check out what there is here. He said everyone is helpful and respectful, which is a big help to me. I am a disabled veteran and am looking forward to making new friends and hopefully flying with many of you.

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