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Status Updates posted by JonathanRL

  1. Oh, Lord - Wont you buy me a Saab T-18...

  2. Finished all the Scandinavian Dragons. Niiiice.

  3. Did I just actually skin a model?

  4. I just found what the last patch broke. Aint good.

    1. Stary


      heh told you guys tis will be no good

    2. Slartibartfast


      Glad I am still running the April Patch... then as I all I hear is this is busted that is busted etc...

  5. Trying to make a campaign for a water map. Slowly going mental.

  6. Still nobody who wants to convert the SK60. Sad Panda!

  7. Everytime you Torrent something, SimHQ will delete a subforum.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brain32


      SimHQ - "We don't always delete the subforums, but when we do, it's because we have no clue torrent is just a protocol" xD

    3. Stary


      Torrent? You're soo 2006, use magnet link :D ;)

    4. Stary


      BTW still banned there, and it seems for good. Bad SimHQ, bad!

  8. I declare Doom!

  9. Fighter Duel: Gripen C vs Rafaele C, 1 v 1 Guns only Best of Two. Who won? Place your bets!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heberth


      to be honest too, in a dogfight W/O guns it's hard to say who going to be the winner, 'cause both of they are extremely agile... but, as Slartibartfast said: the gripen is smaller, and more light, so i'll put my money on Gripen...

    3. Stary


      It's a stall obviously. Both come home without shoting a single bullet :P (hey! that makes sense!)

    4. Heberth


      OPS! i wanted to say without missiles, not without guns! FACEPALM!


  10. Still waiting for a TP 84. When I get it, Midvintermörker is good to go ^^

    1. Stary


      my tiles are almost ready, will upload mayor part this night :) or should I uload as smaller, say 100MB parts? some 6 of them?

  11. Gaaaah. My Stridsfordon 90 issues wont end!

  12. Your message inbox is full. Thats why we type here, but thanks :)

  13. Hello Hinchinbroke.

    I was wondering if I could use the Daring Class Destroyer for TSF; as a standin for the Landskapsklass Destroyers.

    Full Credits will of course be given and the project is non-commercial.

    Hope you have a good day.

  14. Finished typing SF2: NA review to Swedish site. Lets hope they want it.

  15. One of the best skinners around! :)

  16. Hey, you mind if I use the J33 Venom skin for the Scandinavian Front package? Was thinking to add night figthers into the mix :)

    And yes, I checked it out. It works. Just need decals and I can do that, if you allow it :)

  17. still has problems with MiG-19S...


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