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Dag last won the day on April 30 2014

Dag had the most liked content!

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77 Neutral

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About Dag

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sandnes, Norway
  • Interests
    Military aviation.

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  1. Amazing work Sophocles :-) Best Dag
  2. Get well soon Volker. All the best :-) Dag
  3. Hi, Some more skinning progress on Sophocle's F-5A. The Norwegian F-5 fleet were all to receive a green upper colour scheme but as it turned out only two were so finished. One of the others here represent a repainted aircraft in the darker aluminium paint of the mid 70s to mid 80s. Last one is in weathered original paint scheme with the squadron codes and five digit tail no replaced by the last 3. Or rather, in this instance the last 4 digits of the serial. This aircraft was so painted due to the fact that a UH-1B had tail no 580. Best Dag
  4. 334 skvadron F-5As. 69-7130 was painted with RI-H on both sides and not as '226, which is correct. Special thanks to Sophocles and Ravenclaw for making this aircraft come alive :-) Now on to the 3-digit tail numbers. Cheers Dag
  5. Only one F-5 ever carried the 718 skv checkers from their T-33A period and that was Delta Papa Charlie. Here it is in air defence alert config. Some 22 years later this became the prototype Tiger PAWS aircraft upgraded by LTV/Sierra Technologies with all sorts of modern gadgets. Best Dag
  6. The blast removes the cones. They are made of thick cardboard cellulose material. Dag
  7. Bombs gone ! 338 skv F-5A as seen from his wingman. Cheers Dag
  8. Here's 332 skv, the previous ones were from 336 skv. Best Dag
  9. My first paint for the SF 2 series and my first screenies here. I gave Sophocles' F-5 a Norwegian flair. I am now in the process of making 78 historically correct decal sets. Best Dag
  10. Hello, Is there a way to shorten the gun muzzles on the F-5E, they are way too long? Best Dag
  11. Can you please have a look at the undernose blade antennas. On the stock E-model there should be two, the rearmost the larger one. Apart from that, I am really looking forward to this aircraft :-) Best Dag

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