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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. Hi Volker,

    ich hab gestern mal meine ganzen Sabre-Bilder durchforstet.

    Hab aber nichts brauchbares gefunden....

    Vielleicht kannst du im Flugzeugforum den restaurator der Sabre

    mal kontaktieren....


    flugzeugforum ? ist das die seite die mit dem f-40 herausgeber verknüpft war ?

  2. Guys


    You are using a 60% scale Phillipines map I made three years ago. The reason it was difficult to get Corregidor to look right is it's only 60% full scale. I have long since made a 100% scale WWII Phillipines map with much better target placements as it's full scale. I also fixed all the "sea mountains" as I learned how. They do not need to be fixed by hand. Perhaps the target file you did for the 1941 Phillipines using the 60% version could be adapted to the full scale version. Green Hell should work fine with either version, but the problem I have with it is the trees "pop up" as you fly over it, killing the immersion.






    great news


    but the 100% terrain is not yet available for download right ?


    the problem with the trees poping up did you set in the flightengin.ini the highdetailoption to higher value ? if that is what you refering to




    DetailMeshSize=6 ---------you can go up to 15





  3. i used CA_Stary green hell mod and used it for the phillipine wwII terrain it works great thanks again to CA_Stary for

    that excellent work


    but as you can see on the picture belowe there are some water mountain or maybe it is a tsunamie? is there a way

    to remove the mountains or cover them with some texture?





    and the island of corregidor is rather flat in the game , if you where ever there and walked the way up to the Battery Way or Battery Geary you know what i mean , is there a way to increase the

    hight of this island ?



  4. HILFE

    ich brauch dringend fotos von sabres wo man die unten mit dem gelben pfeil markierten gebiete gut erkennen kann und vorallem die beschriftung darauf mir ist es erstmal egal

    ob es sich jetzt um eine deutsche oder andere sabre handeld wichtig ist nur das ich einen anhalt bekomme was da steht


    super wäre es wenn jemand aus dem gebiet brandenburg die dort abgestellte sabre fotogafieren könnte (letztes bild) die maschine ist so gut erhalten das alle aufschriften super zu erkennen sind

    leider habe ich nur wenige gute fotos von ihr falls hier jemand helfen könnte wäre ich echt dankbar






  5. ich glaube wir reden hier doch wohl von einem luft-betankungs-stutzen , da man die maschine ja auch in anderen nationen geflogen hat ist die möglichkeit mit dem "auswechseln" ziemlich gut


    florian hast du das mit dem fenster schon probiert ?

  6. F-4ES Cockpit & HUD Upgrade Version 1.0

    F-4ES Cockpit & HUD Upgrade Version 1.0 by Ultramax




    This is my first serious attempt at 'cockpit conversion', so please be gentle guys! It was originally inspired

    by Doghouse's brilliant F-4ES 'Super Phantom II' upgrade and I thought to myself that the picture would be

    completed with a snazzy new cockpit to make the most of the Phantom's newfound versatility.


    Although I haven't tested it on them, I'm sure it would also make a brilliant addition to the F-4F ICE and

    Kurness 2000 upgrades.





    Cockpit: Hi-Res cockpit by sundowner

    RWR Display: Radar & TV display files by Wingwiner


    Avionics and HUD display files originated from the Mirage Factory F-15A


    PS: If I've forgotten to mention anybody please let me know.

    If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me on the forum and I'll be sure to

    respond ASAP.






    Just place all the files into your aircraft ini file and place these entries in the appropriate sections:





    You'll also need to have the F-4E_COCKPIT.LOD from SFP1 or SFG.


    BTW, don't forget to change 'avionics60' to 'avionics70' - otherwise it won't work!







    this mod is from Ultramax and was only uploaded by ravenclaw_007 all credit for this work goes to Ultramax


  7. PTB-800 Drop Tank & SPS-141 ECM for Su-22/Su17

    PTB-800 Drop Tank & SPS-141 ECM-Pod for Su-22M4 and Su17



    included are


    PTB-800 drop tank camo/grey/blue/silver

    SPS-141 camo and grey


    Templates for both and 5 tank lods so you can make your one camo-drop-tank just name the .bmp file after the .lod


    data.ini and lodout.ini for su-17

    data.ini and lodout.ini for su-22m4


  8. SU-7 SPS-141 ECM Pod

    this is an early sps-141 ecm-pod for the Su-7BM


    included are the lod and bmp file as well as the lodout.ini and data.ini for the Su-7BM


    drop the content from the su-7bm folder in your su-7bm folder

    drop the content from the weapons folder in to your waepons folder add the weaponsdata to your weaponsdata and keep the sequence in order

    open the weaponeditor and save the new entry


  9. the HorizonDistance=200000.0 is not original i thing i came with some nuce mod but i changed the value and it has no effect on that square


    the only value sofar that has an impact on that square is the DetailMeshSize=with a value biger then 6



    i started to play with this value because we have now so many goundobjects,trees,buildings,etc but they come

    popping up , out of nowhere , and with this setting it is much better and it looks more fluent in game then before

    except the side effect i have that square shape (CloudsScattered from 10000 up to 13000 feet)

  10. i changed in the high detail option the DetailMeshSize to a value between 15 and 20 to get the effect i want













    unfortunately this settings have some side effects i dont like , as soon as i climb through the clouds my clouds disapear in a square shape for a short time as soon as i have reacht a certain hight everything is back to normal


    this square appears with a setting above DetailMeshSize=6 and the size off it dependence on the setting


    does anybody have an idea how to fix that or minimize the side effect




    pictures were made with a setting of 15

  11. stimmt habe ich auch gerade gesehen , und die nase stimmt auch nicht

    wie sollen wir das machen soll ich warten bis du so weit bist mit der animation ? wollen wir alles neu mappen ? einiges ist ja so wie es aussieht schon mit texturen versehen anderes muss man auf jedend fall neu mappen


    was meinst du florian ?

  12. mit dem lithunwrap habe ich das selbe problem und mit mdl2dxf4 geht garn nichts ich bekomm nur eine warnmeldung und dann verabschieded sich das teil ohne mit dem konvertieren überhaupt anzufangen

    ich habe auch versucht über die kompatibilität etwas zu erreichen aber fehlanzeige (win Xp pro SP3)


    das ganze sieht nicht gut aus vieleicht kann man ja mal capun fragen wie er das macht und ob er das für uns konvertiert

  13. kein problem habe ich auch nur mit dem animieren klappt das bei mir noch nicht , allerdings kann ich mich über mangelnde arbeit auch nicht begklagen aber carlo kann ja die skins mit machen


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