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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. actualy all F-4E´s you have from TW (and maybe from TMF)just remove them and drop the one from my pack in to your folder thats it


    check the list of F-4E´s includet in the pack


    you can also try to just overwrite the existing ones without removing them but any skins in the folder that are not stock will not be overwriten and will not work anymore with the new F-4E models

  2. this are the pictures and data i use to make my models R530-IR/R530-SARH/R530F/R530D , all my models are done but i´m so busy with the Rafale that i was not able to make the skins yet


    Matra R530.7z


    the data i have for the R530 Super is from more than one source , i just use them as reference and check if it fits with the meassurments i get from the pictures



    • Length: 3.81 metres

    • Body Diameter: 263 mm

    • Wing Span: 0.62 metres (0.88 other source)

    • Launch Weight: 275 kg

    • Warhead: 31 kg HE-FRAG

    • Fuse: Active radar

    • Guidance: Semi-active radar

    • Propulsion: Solid propellant

    • Range: 40 km

    • Speed: Mach 4.5

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  3. I guess Dassault never looked at the Mirage F1 or Super Etendard then. Not nice looking at all.


    excuse me , compare to the F-35 the Mirage F-1 looks like a super sports car , the F-4 phantom was called a "Flying Brick" or "Double Ugly" but looks a tausend times better than that F-35


    but i guess tastes differ :grin:

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  4. Those shots do look pretty good... but it would be nice if there were more "Sundowners" doing that quality of work for every model ever released for SF2  :angel:

    Of course, being primarily an F-4 Phanatic, I am lucky to have had Sundowner and Ravenclaw keeping me topped off with goodies in recent years.

    But I have lots of SF2 flying time in all the century series birds, both stock and mods, as well as MiGs.

    It would be nice to have every aircraft I fly, if not every aircraft available, to the same standards as the best mods.

    i agree and i realy hope that one of the skin artist we have is starting to work on this , i would do it but i realy have no more time for it , i almost started to do it for the TW A-7 an other aircraft that would need some nice highres skins

  5. Hi Everyone,

    This seems to work perfectly. I ran it on Strike Fighters 2 Europe, Windows 7, x64. The game ran perfectly smoothly. I am not certain if it made any actual difference in terms of performance, as I am on a pretty high frame rate already, but I can confirm that it the programs runs fine after being patched.

     same here no problems after patching , but no difference in performance or loading time , i´m on win7 64 bit

  6. I see a TISEO...

    yap , based on my source most of the iranian F-4E are equipt with the TISEO and the 2 strike cameras




    and even on the latest updated iranian F-4E version the TISEO is still there and the strike cameras , the updated F-4E is equipt wit iranian made chaff flare dispenser on the outer side of the inner pylon ,the same way as all other phantoms have them



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