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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. i think the only moment TK is getting it is when no more dollars are coming in


    the way he is locking more and more a way and that the user is becoming a involuntary game tester with every patch did ask for such a reaction from the comunity , so this is not realy a surprise especially with games like DCS around


    TK had a realy big chance with SF2NA but what he delivert in regards to the terrain is outrageous even the the terrain from SF1 is better

  2. believe me it is mapped i did it my self because the complete nose is my work :grin:




    and i can change the color of any radome as well i only dont have the latest max file of the F-16D_Blk50+_tur they are with JAT and he is out for the weekend , i only can think of that something went wrong by copy and merge from an other max file and that we simply have to reassign the texture to the radome


    as you can see on the F-16C_Blk50+_tur it works only the D dont like to play with the music





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