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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. i just downloaded the Tornado-Gr1/Gr4 pack and found a bomb that i made (Mk10_1000_RTD) with a new texture , no problem with me but i wonder why someone would like to have a thermal protection coating on a RAF-Bomb ????? :blink:

    so i checked all other bombs and found the same texture , i think it is time to point something out , this thermal-protection coating is only used by the US-Navy and no one else is using it to my knowledge

    one of the reasons the US-Navy is using this coating was the Forestall disaster and the fact that bomb´s in a fire can reach the critical temperature faster than estimated (Fast Cook-Off (FCO) environment)


    this is how bombs normaly look like for the USAF and all other users



    and this is how the bomb looks like for the US-Navy with the thermal-protection coating (color green or grey)



    and this is how the RAF-Bombs look like



    so lets stop to put this coating texture on all bomb´s and let them with there natural painting , i wonder why nobody ever put this texture on a sowjet or russian bomb :grin:

  2. Thanks for the PW4 update! I've just seen the GBU-123 model in the screenshots thread and yet again it looks stunning, I can't wait for the final release as both this and the new A-10C cockpit have rekindled my Sf2 bug after a few months of playing ARMA2 only :drinks:


    one question to the "GBU-123" this designation is not existing or at least i can not find a single reference on it , there is a semi-official designation as "CBU-123" but the RAF refers to this LGB´s only as 1000-lbs PW-II , 1000-lbs EPW-II , EPW-III (GBU-24) or PW-IV


    i set the bomb as 1000-lbs Paveway_II and deleted the GBU-123 for now

  3. first , yes the swiss choose the gripen but the version they choose is not existing except on the drawing board and i dont know if this is asmart decision

    second , there could be still some problem´s for this deal because in swiss referendum´s are normal and in the public and media this deal is not very welcome and criticism on a paper plane deal is rising

    some even say why to make such a competition if only the cheapest offer is counting and not the capability of the fighter

  4. Bei der US Navy setzt so langsam ein Umdenken ein. :grin: Nachdem früher unsere Diesel U-Boote schon alle Flugzeugträger der Amis bei Manövern "versenkt" haben, sind die Sternenbanner-Jungs bei unseren neuen Brennstoffzellen Booten komplett hilflos ausgeliefert! :cool:

    Und mittlerweile können die sich nicht mehr rausreden, tricksen oder beleidigt abziehen, die Fotos der Pötte durchs Zielperiskop sind nun mal da... :lol:

    yap diesen bericht habe ich auch auf N24 gesehen , super wie so ein olles diesel u-boot sich an den träger ranschleicht und die periskop bilder sind erste sahne :grin:

    angeblich musste der verantwortliche Admiral der amis seinen hut nehmen wenn das jedesmal so ist werden die bald keine admirale mehr haben oder aber die gewässer wo sich die marine mit ihren bootchen rumtreibt meiden :lol:


    eine ansicht der Enterprise die die amis nicht mögen :grin:



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