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Posts posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. i found the problem it is not the exporter , the problem is that win xp can not handle skins that show in both ways (2-Sided) i removed it now and so it will work in xp but you will see now the sky/sun shining tru on the doors and joints , you can not have all except you change to win7 :rofl:





    here are all lods that you have to replace



    Thanks to Paulopanz for helping me to solve this problem

  2. Awesome release! :clapping:


    Just curious, what's the difference between the non-exp2 and exp2 cockpits, as I don't have exp2 yet?

    with expansionpack2 the directions pointers will work



    it seems that some people have problems with shadows , i have no clue what could cause this and i can not reproduce this error on my computer antil somebody can give me a direction what could be the problem here you have to use it as it is , sorry



  3. RF-4E Pack for SF2 vers1.0

    RF-4E Pack for SF2 (optimized for SF2 with expansionpack2 , optional cockpit files for SF2 only included)


    included are =


    RF-4E GAF early - with early GAF cockpit

    RF-4E GAF late - with late GAF cockpit

    RF-4E HAF slatted Wing - with early HAF cockpit

    RF-4E HAF ex german - with HAF midterm cockpit

    RF-4E IAF - with modified early cockpit

    RF-4E IRIAF - with early GAF cockpit

    RF-4EJ - with modified early cockpit

    RF-4E TuAF - with late GAF cockpit





    Credit =


    original model by - TW / Bpao / Crab02

    original Templates by - Sundowner

    Hangar Screens by - Soulfreak

    Pilot Template by - old Diego

    ALE-38 by - TMF

    3D work , Skins , weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007

    testet by - GMG , Derk , pureblue , paulopanz and Dave

    special thanks to - Crusader , Amokfloo


    i hope i did not forget anybody


    have fun




  4. RF-4E Pack for SF1 vers1.01

    RF-4E Pack for SF1 (tested with patch oct.2008)


    included are =


    RF-4E GAF early - with early GAF cockpit
    RF-4E GAF late - with late GAF cockpit
    RF-4E HAF slatted Wing - with early HAF cockpit
    RF-4E HAF ex german - with HAF midterm cockpit
    RF-4E IAF - with modified early cockpit
    RF-4E IRIAF - with early GAF cockpit
    RF-4EJ - with modified early cockpit
    RF-4E TuAF - with late GAF cockpit


    vers1.01 correct the error with some RF-4E_GAF_Late and RF-4E_HAF skins / sorry for that :blush:




    Credit =


    original model by - TW / Bpao / Crab02
    original Templates by - Sundowner
    Hangar Screens by - Soulfreak
    Pilot Template by - old Diego
    ALE-38 by - TMF
    3D work , Skins , weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007
    testet by - GMG , Derk , pureblue , paulopanz
    special thanks to - Crusader , Amokfloo


    i hope i did not forget anybody


    have fun




    • Like 1

  5. Übrigens, thas C in MiG-29C ist ein kyrillisches S. Ein C haben die Russen gar nicht. Da geht das Alphabet so A, Be, We, Ge, De, Je, Sche, Se, I, Ikratkoje, Ka, eL, eM, eN, O, Pe, eR, eS, Te, U, eF, Cha, usw.


    respekt , gelernt ist gelernt was


    jetzt weis ich wenn ich als ansprechpartner hab fals ich mal wieder was russisches tun muss :grin:

  6. this are the pictures i found but unfortunately none of this are good enough to make a decal of it except the one in the first picture (57-6914 Kirin) this one is done


    tis are the serial numbers and the name´s of the mystic dragon´s for this 6 aircrafts , if anybody has some better picture or high-res scan i would like to have it please :grin:



    57-6908 Seiryu

    57-6914 Kirin ____ done

    57-6909 Suzaku

    57-6907 Byakko

    57-6906 Genbu





  7. all RF-4E version are done


    Germany - early and late standard nose

    Greek - slatted wing/rounded nose and ex German RF-4e´s standard nose

    Israel - standard nose , rounded nose not yet

    Iran - standard nose

    Japan - rounded nose

    Turkey - standard nose


    as well as four cockpits are done

    - Germany early

    - Germany late

    - Greek slatted wing

    - Greek midterm


    now i have to make some decals and convert it for SF1 use , but i need some help with the Japanese nose art ,who has some good pictures or decals of the RF-4EJ nose art that i can use sofar i have only this one but there are at least 3 more dragon art´s that i know of and i need some pictures for





    • Like 1

  8. I'd forgotten the Sundowner had uploaded his E templates (well, the F, F_80 are also mapped the same), so had to go back and redo the entire skin....


    this looks much better! Coming soon



    kevin stein


    The F-4F did not have all the stencils that you have on this picture , they have the panel-no and some maintenace marks only and they are in german you can check the F-4F-ICE skins i made for the SF2 mod :grin:


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