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Everything posted by Panjilucu

  1. SF 2 Boreas GR.3

  2. Slatted Phantoms in naval service

    what more intriquing to me is why they're not installing equivalent landing system (like DLIR) to compensate higher AOA.
  3. Pack Skin A4-P Skyhawk 1982

    terimakasih! (indonesian's thanks) XD
  4. waw thanks bro. btw, do u know that we indonesian did CAP and intercept with this plane :D
  5. JSOW indeed is one of many cutting edge weaponry wich demands delicate skill to use it properly as I did experienced the same sh!t as yours. i think it has something to do with it's delivery method which not fully covered by the weapon editor. however, i've tried googling and found this manual "T.O. 1B-52H-34-2-7 - Aircrew Weapons Delivery Manual (Nonnuclear) - AGM-154 JSOW (01-07-2005).pdf". it is stated something to do with your angle, altitude and speed parameter prior launch phase. here's the link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&ved=0CFcQFjAG&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usaf-sig.org%2Findex.php%2Fdownloads%2Fcategory%2F39-b-52%3Fdownload%3D153%3At-o-1b-52h-34-2-7-aircrew-weapons-delivery-manual-nonnuclear-agm-154-jsow-01-07-2005&ei=A0EHU_DtBoWFiAff-YFY&usg=AFQjCNEHsQhbhyp9w-zVFeDqQ2mE5k3EAw&sig2=kik7Y_TVA2Afq1FU4H1Rkw&bvm=bv.61725948,d.aGc lemme know if somethin happen hv a nice kill ;)
  6. L-15 Chinese Jet

    i've read the INIs file and fly it. however, i found the technical performance nearly accurate except: the BVR capability. are thou sure this aircraft can do TWS at 160 miles away? if this true, then the conclusion is L15 feasibility simply goes beyond of both J-10 and J-11 in this game, roughly almost on par with J-20 or J-31, and that will be a huge imbalance. would you mind to tuned-down a bit so it can fit it's role as light combatant class (like F16A maybe?). CMIIW
  7. cool, A-G penetrating mission will be much interesting
  8. sir, without disrespect, i agree its a beautiful bird, but isn't that huge tornado style rudder give a lot radar signature? CMIIW :)
  9. MQ-10A Kodiak

    Holy Sh*T!!! Bad Ass mod! i feel like C&C goes to SF
  10. Ace Combat goes to WO series!!!

    its modest but nice! can u make weathered/camouflaged version?
  12. Happy Birthday Israel.

    inspite of my nationality (indonesia) n our sides, i do respect israel's air force who fight for their motherland beliefs n honor.. long live n Happy b'day for IAF!
  13. Yup! you're right only gun-armed 2 Su-27SK and 2 Su-30(or is it Su-27UB), our government trying to add AA-10 Alamo, some dumb FAB bombs and another 6 Flanker around 2008/2009, Not sure about ECM capability. Frankly, i think all those thing won't do much, whereas military budget cuttted and relocated to settle natural/man-made disaster (read: porong sidoarjo mud flood). And... a lot lot lot of economic corruption
  14. Hi everyone! this is my first post! Just curious, is there any modder interested in making Ace Combat/ COFFIN style HUD/HMD.. i just think that would be extremly usefull, especially if used with custom/fictional aircraft that the cockpit has not been finished yet. sorry for my bad english hehe...
  15. Royal Australian Navy Wishlist blunder...

    Hi there! i'm from Indonesia (completely no offense) My opinion: just upgrade your Collins SS with cruise missile launching capability (adding VLS maybe), something like UGM-109 tomahawk will give a damn very nice punch. No need for aircraft carrier, just add the 2-seat F-18D super hornet or EA-18 Growler to your navy airwing. and... integrating your (if i'm not mistaken) Over-The-Horizon Radar with every HMAS warship
  16. In Ace Combat 3 the pilot's brain-wave are semi-connected with the aircraft cameras, so, it has solid non/semi-transparased canopy with camera mounting on every side of the aircraft. you just have to look around to find the enemy, acquire it, then closing in to firing (usually) the bad ass Ace Combat style sort range missile by the way, i like Koushiro's Gasaraki mecha, keep rock!

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