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Posts posted by Spillone104

  1. Immagino ti riferisca agli aerei stock del gioco. Purtroppo è una vecchia storia che si dilunga da diversi anni e che sembra peggiorare di patch in patch quella degli aerei con le "gambe mutilate". Ricordo quando qualcuno chiese del perchè al famoso TK e lui rispose che era per bilanciare il gioco. Che è un' assurdità mettere quasi tutti gli aerei sullo stesso piano e anzi, appiattisce il gioco. Le modifiche si possono fare ma non sono così facili o immediate in quanto i parametri da ritoccare sono parecchi e di non facile comprensione, specie se alle prime armi. Da un pò mi stavo occupando a tempo perso di correggere i Lightning. Comunque sta tutto nei file _DATA.INI dei rispettivi aerei. e in genere per ottenere le tanto sospirate VERE prestazioni bisogna correggere questi valori:


    [FlightControl] Questi sono dei limitatori che sono al di fuori dei parametri aerodinamici.

    MaxSpeedSL=334.58 velocità in m/s


    MachLimitDry=1.227 limite Mach senza l' uso del postbruciatore


    [LeftWing], [RightWing], [LeftOuterWing] e [RightOuterWing]


    CD0 è il coefficiente di resistenza. In questo caso rispetto al numero di Mach


    CD0MachTableNumData=21 In questo caso la tavola è composta da 21 indici

    CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.10 Una variazione ogni 0.1 Mach

    CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 La tavola parte da 0

    CD0MachTableData=2.050,1.213,1.079,1.019,1.000,0.987,0.979,1.014,1.041,1.097,1.131,4.400,4.396,4.394,4.394,4.395,4.398,4.403,4.407,4.379,4.151 E questi sono i valori che da come si nota dopo Mach 1 la resistenza aumenta di circa 4 volte. Però in realtà è anche vero che più o meno il momento di massima resistenza avviene in area transonica ma poi tende a diminuire con l' aumentare della velocità. Il nostro caro sviluppatore in genere tende a mettere degli autentici muri per limitare le prestazioni dei suoi aerei.


    E poi c'è il motore o i motori.... e anche quà praticamente il nostro buontempone di fiducia li trucca pesantemente.

    Lasciando perdere i valori nominali che in genere sono corretti:



    AltitudeTableNumData=10 10 tavole

    AltitudeTableDeltaX=3048.0 Variazioni ogni 3048m






    DryMachTableData=1.000,0.980,1.172,0.000 Quà a Mach1.2 la spinta a secco equivale a 0!




    WetMachTableData=1.000,0.991,1.207,1.683,2.473,2.750,3.027 Ma con il postbruciatore invece la spina a mach 2.4 è ben 3 volte maggiore che a velocità 0. Però da tenere conto che questi parametri vanno incrociati con quello dell' altitudine.


    Sono solo esempi ma spero tornino utili. :bye:

  2. Pretty simple.

    Especially on the stock aircraft there are many LODs. That means not only the model format but stand for Level Of Detail. So basically depending if it say DecalMaxLOD=3, it stand that the decals is applied till the 3rd LOD. Just look in the aircraft main INI and see at what distance each lod is rendered in game.





















  3. I've done a similar job some years ago for my SFP1 install but... Soon you will discover that the destruction radius with nominal values is too low. I think that the in game scale refers only to the fireball dimension but the effective total destruction is way highier.

    For starting the is correct to use nominal values but sometimes they have to be doubled or even more.


    Have fun testing the sunshine devices! :drinks:

  4. @ SayWhatt: the speed values are in meters per second (m/s)


    For the original question:


    There are numerous value that limit the top speed in the FM. Other than the pure (imposed) limits like above there are others of aerodynamical nature like Florian said and others in the engine section. And here is hidden why most of the stock planes can't achieve their true maximum speed or acceleration like the real counterparts...

    (From A-4F engine section)


    AltitudeTableNumData=27 -------> means there are 27 values for the altitude/thrust value

    AltitudeTableDeltaX=609.6 -------> One every 609.6 meters of altitude

    AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 -------> It starts from 0

    AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.952,0.906,0.860,0.816,0.773,0.731,0.691,0.652,0.614,0.578,0.543,0.509,0.477,0.446,0.416,0.388,0.361,0.335,0.303,0.275,0.249,0.227,0.206,0.187,0.170,0.000 -------> so at 0 meters the trust will be the nominal value and gradually decrease with the altitude.

    DryMachTableNumData=12 -------> nearly same as above but in relation of the mach number.



    DryMachTableData=1.000,0.968,0.952,0.948,0.955,0.975,1.006,1.046,1.098,1.160,1.231,0.000 -------> Here as you can see the table say that at Mach 1 your engine will give 120% of the thrust than at 0 speed but just at Mach 1.1 it drops to 0!!! so it will no generate thrust at that speed.

    MaxInletTemperature=120.0 -------> Another important factor for supersonic planes is the inlet temperature limits. That's about Mach 2.2... If beyond your plane will be soon on fire. :P

  5. F-104C Pack

    View File

    Lockheed F-104C Starfighter for Strike Fighters 2


    The F-104C was the fighterbomber version of the Starfighter. It has been used only by the Tactical Air Command of the USAF.




    This mod is intended as a general update of the F-104C model of Ajunaidr released some years ago.

    The FM is improved and now there are a new ogival nose, pitot and other details added via "fake pilot".


    There are 2 variants in this pack. Standard F-104C and the later upgraded variant of the "Vietnam era" with RWR bulges and SEA camo.





    You need SF2E to have the stock F-104G and SFP1 for the cockpit files.

    or follow these precious instructins: http://combatace.com...f-104s-for-sf2/





    Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.

    "User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2





    Original F-104C: Ajunaidr

    Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104

    Textures : Spillone104 and Paulopanz

    Decals : USAFMTL (Dave) and Paulopanz

    Fake pilot mod: FastCargo

    INIs : Spillone104

    Effects : Spillone104

    Sounds : Spillone104


    Beta testers : Starfighter2 and Paulopanz




    Legal stuff:


    This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.





    Enjoy and good flight. :)







    June 2012


  6. F-104A Pack

    Lockheed F-104A Starfighter for Strike Fighters 2


    The F-104A was first interceptor version of the Starfighter. It has been used by the Air Forces of the US, Pakistan, Jordan and Taiwan.




    This mod is intended as a general update of the F-104A model of Ajunaidr released some years ago.

    The FM is improved and now there are a new ogival nose, pitot and other details added via "fake pilot".


    There are 2 variants in this pack. Standard F-104A and the later upgraded machines with the more powerfull and reliable J79-GE-19 engine.





    You need SF2E to have the stock F-104G and SFP1 for the cockpit files.

    or follow these precious instructins: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/





    Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.

    "User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2





    Original F-104A: Ajunaidr

    Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104

    Textures : Spillone104 and Paulopanz

    Decals : USAFMTL (Dave) and Paulopanz

    Fake pilot mod: FastCargo

    INIs : Spillone104

    Effects : Spillone104

    Sounds : Spillone104


    Beta testers : Starfighter2 and Paulopanz




    Legal stuff:


    This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.





    Enjoy and good flight. :)







    June 2012



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