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File Comments posted by ordway

  1. Mirage F-1CZ Late

       944    8

    Is there an Angola terrain? 

    Many people have started on an SFP1/SFP2 Angola terrain including me.


    One demoralizing  problem as I see it is that it will reflect poorly on the Angolan terrain author. The tools don't seem to be there to do a halfway nice job. Angola/Namibia has so many different terrain types that it is hard with today's tools to replicate all of it. There will be almost surely (sorry Shirley:) ) be pretty harsh criticisms about it  as well as a lack of satisfaction of the author.


    There are at least four different desert terrains needed and that is just a start- besides the four different river terrains and their ocean mouths, three different coastal terrains, two different forests, mountains, plains, several bush terrains, a white salt flats dry lake,  individual dedicated tiles needed for dams and falls, etc.


    That being said, it would be nice to have an Angolan terrain team started and to combine everyone's work and just get this important cold war terrain done.

  2. Hi great model have the same problem with the stores showing up into the aircraft or on top of the racks. I do love this bird though we need more of them


    Hmmm, I've looked into it. The Mig-23MF seems to load the standard 3rd wire SF2 Mig-23MF stores. However, some stores are not visible in the exterior mode.


    Now, when I added the cockpit, cockpit.ini, avionics.ini, Mig-23MF.ini into the standard 3rd wire sfp2 Israel Mig-23MF folder (which I unwrapped and exported), I could now fly it and see all the stores from the exterior view ... However, when I look into the rearview mirror...all I see is the stores flying behind me in space and no aircraft is visible from the cockpit mirrors.


    Anyone got any suggestions?

  3. I like this sounds like it was hard work.I do notice that in game the drop tank and missiles are slightly too high and clip into the fuselage.Is this some sort of glitch that you could not work out or a glitch on my end?Also you use a different name for the plane file with me it is called MiG-23MF not MiG-23MF Flogger.I simply pasted your file into my list so perhaps by changing the name to MiG-23MF and overwriting it might make a difference.Nice work though.


    Thanks for info. I will look into it.


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