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Everything posted by pappychksix

  1. How you doing sir. Looks like its been a while since you and I have conversed with each other. Hoping all is well on your side of the world. Everything here is going as planned. I have a question for you. I want to reskin the SF@ Lightning F2. I have LOD's for most airplanes but not for these. Are they available do you know? And if not...how can I use the LODviewer to reskin? Any ideas? Anyway sir...thank you for your time. 

    Take care, Pete 

  2. YAP B-29 Superfortress redo
  3. Try this website. Just type in F-16 Falcon. Pete https://docer.tips/ Mandatory Pic
  4. F6F-3 Hellcat VF-5 circa late 1943
  5. F6F Hellcat WIP. Now that I've retired...I like detail. The more the better
  6. B-24 Liberator with flak damage over the Reich...1944
  7. AT-28D Nomad (49-1543) of the 606th Special Operations Squadron, Laos \ Cambodia, circa 1964-65 without national insignia.
  8. Another colorful Trojan in bright yellow
  9. Another Trojan...A T-28B VT-2 U.S. Navy. I like colorful airplanes.
  10. Seems we only have one F-111 airplane. Felt it lacked detail. So reworked it to add a little more pazzaz...Pappy
  11. Hey Allen...hope all is well.


    The F-18's at A-team Skunkworks appear to have come from you. If this is correct, do you have the templates that go along with them? I sure could use them sir. 

    Thanks in advance, Pete

    1. allenjb42


      Hi Pete, unfortunately I don’t have the templates. I made a contribution to the site and Capun purchased the model.

      Doesn’t he have templates?

      I do have another suggestion.

      Below is a link to the YAP JFK carrier pack that includes and F/A-18C model based off the same File404 model.

      It has a fairly clean USN grey skin for VFA-82 that you could clean up and use as the basis for other skins.


      Hope that helps.


    2. pappychksix


      Thank you sir...for everything


  12. VFC-12 "Fighting Omars" and one of its F/A-18C Hornets on tan splinter camo scheme...
  13. US Navy TV-2D JetStar drone controller...
  14. What if....the USAF had taken on a few F-21's for their DACM exercises?
  15. My WIP for F-84E / G Thunderjets
  16. P-5iB Mustangs....A dynamic duo...Capt Don Gentile and Capt John Godfrey

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